
Phoenix, Arizona


Testimony of the cure that God granted on October 13 th 2000

Good Morning Pat,

Sorry I've taken so long to get back to you, but between doctors and going for tests and didn't want to send this until we were sure,,we were but doctors weren't!!! I have only been on and off here few minutes at a time,,my niece who is staying with me for a couple weeks now spends time on here yakking with her sister, ,,it's their dad that had ( note I said had) been dying with cancer for two years now,,the one I wanted the rose petals for,,, Anyway, had to get this off to you before I head for my appt.,,,please ignore my request AGAIN for the rose petals,,,satan works in strange but Our Lady and Her Son seeem to always defeat him,,,when I received your email once again (email before this recent one) that they had been mailed and never arrived while talking with my brother's wife I suggested we act like they had gotten here and for her to have the same faith as me and we pray accordingly and guess what,,,yet another surgery he was to have has been cancelled,,since all drainage has stopped the doctors feel no need to put in a larger shunt, but as doctors go,,they insisted on another CATSCAN, which were happy they did,,,and it verified,,,no surgey needed,,hole in liver was closed,,but like doctors,,not satisfied they did an MIR,,not only to find hole closed but all broken vertabrae in lower lumbar area where mended,,off with the brace,,so like Our Lady says,,,what proof do you need?? What signs to you need??? and this is what we did,,,we couldn't have the rose petals since the evil one was obviously making sure they never came,,,yet by going on blind trust and faith that we had them this came about,,,one more thing,,,he has not been able to have BM'S and even enemas didn't work and a nurse would have to go to the house to dig out the fecal impaction (sorry be gross),,now even this has stopped,,now going one step at a time it's trying to get the 80-90 lbs back on him that he lost,,feeding tube is gone with all other tubes,,,eating by mouth slow and small portions is taking place,,thank you Jesus,,,

So now you know why I didn't resend my physical address,,,and decided LONG ago that I didn't want them for me,,and noone knows this but our Lord and His Mother,,,and now you,,if my pain were taken away,,,what would I have to suffer for God the Father united the sufferings of the Son for reparation and salvation of souls??

The medals I sent you,,and told you in one of the emails with a dire message to a visionary,,please have those medals on yourself and loved ones,,was thinking a couple days ago or maybe yesterday,,how crazy,,,like our Lady wouldn't have you under her mantle of protection,,but be safe,,, put them on everyone in your family,,,as satan will attack and tempt you more than us,,,God bless,,forget my address,,satan will just way lay them somewhere,,,God bless and thank you,,,gotta get to doctors,,get another verdict today,,what ever God wants,,His will not mine,,, loretta

Consider this a testimony,,,

Should probably have written this sooner,,but waiting for doctor's proof through tests doesn't say much for my faith does it,,,just could not remember when the last time was you told me you sent out those petals for that was when we did this,,,just knew no matter how you would send them the evil one would not let them get here,,and now I think it's more because of me,,I know that PIG hates me because of my GREAT pain that I go to the foot of the cross and unite it with the sufferings of Jesus and give them to God the Father to His intentions,,that must throw that PIG into a real Rage--LOL LOL...God bless You have my permission to share this,,,,God loves praise and thanks

 [ January 04 2001 | January 06 2001 | January 20 2001 ] 

JANUARY 04 2001

Seal The January 04 2001 message contains a fatal prophecy on two high ranking individuals and will not be published by the web master to protect their interests.

Spanish flag

Mensaje del dia 4 de Enero, 2001
El mensaje del dia 4 de Enero, 2001 contiene una profecia fatal 
de doz individuos de distincion y no será publicada
por el dueño de éste sitio para proteger sus intereces.

JANUARY 06 2001

Mother Of The World Message 1-6-2001 
to Patricia Mundorf

1st I would like to apologize for not having my name at the top on Thursday morning message about the Pope and President-Elect Bush. I was just so overcome at the time and rushing to get the message out to you all. Many of you have associated this message with Louise Tomkiel. Some have it attached to the bottom of her message that went out later that day. I am sorry this has happened. I am friends with Louise and she did call me after receiving the message to say how they were so similar. The message of Thursday Jan 4, 2001 has NOTHING to do with Louise nor her message which she received later in that day. My vision was on Tuesday, the 2nd of Jan, and I waited to send anything out until Mother gave a message with the vision. 

Message 1-6-2001 1st Sat to Patricia Mundorf

My Dear Children, today, I, your Mother of the World come to you with a grateful heart. I thank you all for responding to My call for prayers for the changing of the time of the Inauguration of the President- elect George Bush. I also thank you for the prayers for the safety of both Mr. Bush and My Pope John Paul ll. Please continue to pray for these leaders. I also ask you to pray for all of My priest sons. Their jobs are very difficult and lonely. Many have left the priesthood in the United States. Pray for a return of My sons to their vocation. 

Today, I am asking of you to pray for the Middle Eastern countries as so many of them prepare for war . This could be a Holy War and may involve many larger countries. Pray for mitigation of these events. Pray, Pray, PRAY!!! 

If this war is not mitigated, then in this your year of 2001, this war will contain nuclear, bacteria, and chemical warfare, causing many countries to completely disappear. Pray for the conversion of souls. These minor conflicts occurring in the Holy Land are only a prelude to what may occur soon. A very devastating war, as your world has never seen. Pray, Pray, PRAY!!! 

Today, your Father in Heaven is allowing me to alert you to some events that have been spoken of in scripture. Your Tribulation times, have NOT begun to occur, but will soon begin. I have told you about your Chastisements and how they would become more severe, taking more lives than property. Look to your weather, I have foretold you of the storms, the droughts taking your planted fields, the floods doing the same. The storms that were taking your possessions and not much loss of life. I told you that soon there would be storms on your coastline of the United States, and it would be colder than it has ever been in some areas of your world, yet warmer in other areas where it normally is cold. I foretold you, that because of the sins of man you would begin to see the loss of lives, not just material possessions. Many of these events have been mitigated or lessened by prayers. 

Now, My dear children, know that unless you can change the hearts and souls of your brothers and sisters, by your prayers and sacrifices, and with your evangelization of many others, more will lose their lives. 

I foretold you of your interest rates falling, and your stock markets falling over this past year, These are the material possessions you hold up as Gods in your lives..I told you that you would watch your dearest possession collapse around you. When, My dear children will you open your eyes and see the events occurring around you.? When will you open your ears to the lies and events occurring around you ? How long, My dear children will you close yourselves off to the reality occurring ? 

The United States will be in a recession and this very well could take you into a depression as never experienced before, and this will involve the whole world. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! Many of the events cam be mitigated. Some can not. 

This I am also being allowed to speak to you about. In this year of 2001, My Immaculate Heart will not Triumph. This can only occur after all events in scripture have occurred. My Triumph is when all evil has been cleansed from your world, and My heel will crush the evil ones head, and he will be chained in hell. 

Today, I also will speak to you of the year 2001. The warning, where you will see your souls as My Son, Jesus sees them and the Great Miracle, will NOT occur in this year of 2001. This will give you more time from God your Father in Heaven, to evangelize to My children. God, loves you all so very much, and He does not want to lose even one soul, so He is giving you more time to go out into your world. What wonderful Graces await you. Teach of Gods infinite Love , Mercy and His final Justice. This past year of your Jubilee has been a Joyous year, a time of renewal. Go forth this year with a happy heart, do not fear, and speak to all of your Gospels, Teach of God, your Father, the Holy Spirit and His gifts to all, and My Son Jesus, of His Birth, Life and Death for all of mankind. 

My children, Please remember your sacraments, continue to confess you sins to keep your souls clean, and receive My Son, Jesus' body, blood , soul and divinity in the Holy Eucharist. Listen to what My Son, Pope John Paul ll speaks to you about. Follow Him. Follow the teaching of your church in Rome. 

I Bless you all with My Motherly Mantle of Love. 

Go in Peace and Love. 

( end of message ) 

Spanish flag

Mensaje de la Madre Maria a Pat Mundorf

Dia 6 de Enero, 2001

Mis Queridos Hijos,
Hoy, Yo, Su Madre del Mundo vengo a ustedes con un corazon agradecido. Les doy las gracias por responder a Mi llamado
a rezar por el cambio de la hora de la Inauguración de su Presidente-electo George Bush. También les doy las gracias por las
oraciones por la seguridad de tanto el señor Bush como la de Mi Papa Juan-Pablo II. Por favor continuen rezando por éstos
lideres. Tambien les pido que rezen por todos mis hijos Sacerdotes. Su trabajo es muy dificil y solitario. Muchos han
abandonado el Sacerdocio en los Estados Unidos. Rezen por que regresen a su vocación.

Hoy, Les estoy pidiendo que rezen por los paices del Mediano Oriente porque muchos de ellos se preparan para guerra. Esto
puede ser una Guerra Santa y puede envolver muchos paises grandes. Rezen por la mitigación de estos eventos. ¡¡¡REZEN,

Si esta guerra no es mitigada, entonces en este su año 2001, esta guerra contendrá operaciones militares químicas, de bacteria
y nucleares, causando que muchos paises desaparescan completamente. Rezen por la conversion de almas. Estos conflictos
menores ocurriendo en la Tierra Santa son solamente un preludio a lo que pueda ocurrir pronto, una guerra devastadora, como
su mundo nunca ha visto. ¡¡¡REZEN, REZEN, REZEN!!!

Hoy, su Padre en el cielo me está permitiendo alertarles de algunos eventos de los cuales se han hablado en las Escrituras. Sus
tiempos de la Tribulación NO han comenzado a aconteser, pero si comenzarán pronto. Yo les he dicho de sus Castigos y
como se harian mas severos, tomando mas vidas que propiedad. Fijense en su clima, Yo les he predicho de las tormentas, las
sequias que les arrebataran sus campos cultivados, las inundaciones haciendo lo mismo, las tormentas que estaban llevandose
sus posesiones y muy poca perdida de vida. Yo les dije que muy pronto habrian tormentas en la linea costera de los Estados
Unidos, y que estaría mas frio que nunca en algunas areas de su mundo, pero mas caliente en otras areas donde generalmente
es frio. Les predije a ustedes, que por los pecados del hombre comenzarian a ver perdidas de vida, no solamente posesiones
materiales. Muchos de estos eventos han sido mítigados o disminuidos por oraciones.

Ahora, Mis queridos hijos, sepan que al menos que ustedes puedan cambiar los corazones y las almas de sus hermanos por
medio de sus oraciones y sacrificios y con su evangelizacion de muchos otros, muchos mas perderán sus vidas.

Yo les profetizé que las tazas de sus intereses iban a bajar y que sus bolsas de valores iban a bajar durante éste pasado año.
Éstas son las posesiones materiales que ustedes sostienen como dioses en sus vidas. Yo les dije que ustedes iban a ver sus
posesiones mas queridas derrumbarse a sus alrededores. ¿Cuando, Mis queridos hijos, cuando abriran sus ojos para ver los
eventos ocurriendo alrededor de ustedes? ¿Cuado abriran sus oidos a las mentiras y eventos aconteciendo alrededor suyo?
¿Cuanto tiempo, Mis queridos hijos, se mantendrán ajenos a la realidad que está ocurriendo?

Los Estados Unidos pasará por una recesion y ésto muy bien puede llevarlos a una depresion como nunca la han pasado antes,
y ésto envolverá a todo el mundo. ¡¡¡REZEN, REZEN, REZEN!!! Muchos de éstos eventos pueden ser mitigados, otros no.

Sobre ésto tambien Me permiten decirles. En éste año del 2001, Mi Inmaculado Corazon NO triumfará. Esto puede ocurrir
solamente despuez que todos los eventos en las escrituras hayan acontecido. Mi Triunfo será cuando todo lo maligno se limpie
de su mundo, y Mi talon triturara la cabeza del maligno y entonces será encadenado en el infierno.

Tambien, hoy les hablaré del año 2001. El AVISO, donde ustedes verán sus almas como Mi Hijo, Jesus las ve, Y EL GRAN
MILAGRO, NO acontecerán en éste año 2001. Esto les dará mas tiempo de Dios, Su Padre en el cielo, para evangelizar a
Mis hijos. Dios, los quiere a todos inmensamente, y El no quiere perder ni una sola alma, asi que les está dando mas tiempo
para que salgan al mundo a evangelizar. ¡Que Gracias maravillosas les esperan Enseñen del infinito Amor, Misericordia de Dios
y Su Justicia final.

Este año pasado del Jubileo ha sido un año gozoso, un tiempo de Renovación. Vayan hacia delante éste año con un corazon
alegre. No téman y hablen a todos de sus Evangelios. Enseñen de Dios, su Padre, el Espiritu Santo y de Sus dones para todos,
y de Mi Hijo, Jesus, de Su Nacimieno,Vida y Muerte por toda la humanidad.

Mis hijos, por favor, recuerden sus Sacramentos. Continuen recibiendo el Cuerpo, Alma Y Divinidad de Mi Hijo, Jesus en la
Santa Eucaristia. Haganle caso a lo que dice Mi hijo, el Papa Juan-Pablo II. Siganlo a el. Sigan las enseñanzas de su iglesia en

Los Bendigo a todos con Mi Manto Maternal de Amor.

Vayan en Paz y Amor.

(Fin de Mensaje)

JANUARY 20 2001

Mother Of The World Message 1-20-2001 
to Patricia Mundorf

Joyce, I would like to Thank everyone for their prayers and masses. I am feeling pretty good. Just need to recuperate a bit longer. Thanks and God Bless you all. 

Another thing, I would like to ask if there's anyone out there who can take over for Mark in Germany, who updates the website ? Please email me at Thank you, Pat 

I wanted to tel you all that, the Secret Service has been in touch with me, since the day after the message went out. The Vatican had a representive call me also. I must now send any message that may contain information about the President, or the USA, to the Secret Service first. For the Vatican I also send them the messages, if it pertains to the Pope. 
So if there's a delay in getting the messages, this is why. 


My Dear Children, today, I, Your Mother of the World come to you with a grateful heart. I thank you, My dear children for your response to My requests for prayers for My Pope Son, John Paul ll and the new president of the United States. Your prayers, offerings and fastings have mitigated much that were to occur. There was all new security added, and a delay of 2 minutes. Thank you again My dear children. I ask you to continue to keep president Bush and Pope John Paul ll in your daily prayers. Please pray for unity in the United States. This country is a leader of many other countries. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! 

My dear children, in the months ahead you will find many graces pouring out to many of you. Some of you will become leaders and teachers. Many of you will learn to use the graces given to you by the Holy Spirit when you were confirmed, learn to discern and use these graces as you receive them. Learn to use them wisely. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! 

I ask of you to keep your prayers and sacrifices for the Holy Land and all the leaders there. Pray for peaceful solutions. Pray for the My children who are harmed by this conflict. 

I am asking of you also to pray your rosary for an end to abortions. This will take a long time to stop all abortions, but must be done peaceably. Do not use force or hateful words. Remember these are My children also. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! 

Today as I leave you, I ask of you to keep your countries leaders , from all over the world, in prayers. Many do not love God, and have made themselves to be Gods. Pray that all leaders will learn humility and patience, 

Remember to go to church, keep your sacraments, and pray. I will ask of you to fast one day a week for peace through out the world. May all nations become as the United States is becoming, One Nation under God. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! 

Go in Peace and Love. 

I Bless you all with My Motherly Mantle of Love. 

( end of message ) 

Spanish flag


DIA 20 DE ENERO, 2001

Mis Queridos Hijos,
Hoy, Yo, Su Madre del Mundo vengo a ustedes con un corazon agradecido. Les doy las gracias Mis queridos hijos, por
ustedes responder a mis pedidos por oraciones para Mi hijo Papa, Juan Pablo II y para el nuevo Presidente de los Estados
Unidos. Sus oraciones, ofrendas y ayunas han mitigado mucho de lo que iba a ocurrir. Hubo nueva proteccion añadida y un
retrazo de dos minutos. Gracias de nuevo Mis queridos hijos. Les pido que continuen manteniendo al Presidente Bush y al
Papa Juan Pablo II en sus oraciones cotidianas. Por favor rezen por unidad en los Estados Unidos. Este pais es un lider de
muchos otros paises. ¡¡¡REZEN, REZEN, REZEN!!!

Mis queridos hijos, en los meses venideros veran que muchas gracias seran derramadas a muchos de ustedes. Algunos de
ustedes se transformaran a lideres y maestros. Muchos de ustedes aprenderan a usar las gracias dadas a ustedes por el Espiritu
Santo cuando fueron Confirmados. Aprendan a percibir y a usar estas gracias segun las reciben. Aprendan a usarlas
sabiamente. ¡¡¡REZEN, REZEN, REZEN!!!

Les pido que continuen con sus oraciones y sacrificios para la Tierra Santa y para los lideres alli. Rezen por soluciones
pacificas. Rezen por los hijos Mios que han sido perjudicados por este conflicto.

Les estoy pidiendo tambien que rezen sus Rosarios con el fin de terminar los abortos. Parar los abortos tomara mucho tiempo,
pero tiene que hacerse pacificamente. No usen la fuerza o palabras rencorosas. Recuerden, ellos son Mis hijos tambien.

Hoy, al irme, les pido que mantengan a todos los lideres de los paises alrededor del mundo en sus oraciones. Muchos no aman
a Dios, y se han hecho pasar como Dioses. Rezen que todos los lideres aprendan la humildad y paciencia.

Acuerdense de ir a la Iglesia, mantener sus sacramentos, y de rezar. Les pedire que ayunen un dia de la semana con el fin de la
paz alrededor del mundo. Que todas las naciones se conviertan a lo que los Estados Unidos esta logrando ser. Una Nacion,
obediente a Dios. ¡¡¡REZEN,

Vayan en Paz y Amor.

Los Bendigo con Mi Manto Maternal de Amor.

(Fin del Mensaje)

The apparition of Our Blessed Mother are open to the public, They occur on the First and Third Saturday of ever month at 12:00 pm. Rosary and prayers start at 11:30. Due to our move and the closing of the Apparition site in Phoenix, there were no public messages given, no internet, phones or tv. 

The Blessed Mother has changed the time of her Apparition and visit with the public to 12 noon, still on 1st and 3 rd Saturdays. All are welcome to attend. 

Prayers will start at 11:30, Rosary at 11:55. Songs and any prayers you may want after the visit as Mary does stay for awhile. You may just want to reflect in private prayer. 

The new address for everything, Mary's prayer pamphlets and End times booklets, Rosarys , scapulars, Miraculous Medals, can be gotten by donation if possible, at: 

Pat Mundorf 404 N. Broadway Ave - Sterling, Kansas 67579 USA Phone 316-278-3469. NE Corner of Broadway and Washington North of Hutchinson Kansas . 

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