TESTIMONIES OF HEALING FROM PATRICIA'S ROSE PETALS Testimony of the cure that God granted on Good Morning Pat, Sorry I've taken so long to get back to you, but between doctors and going for tests and didn't want to send this until we were sure,,we were but doctors weren't!!! I have only been on and off here few minutes at a time,,my niece who is staying with me for a couple weeks now spends time on here yakking with her sister, ,,it's their dad that had ( note I said had) been dying with cancer for two years now,,the one I wanted the rose petals for,,, Anyway, had to get this off to you before I head for my appt.,,,please ignore my request AGAIN for the rose petals,,,satan works in strange but Our Lady and Her Son seeem to always defeat him,,,when I received your email once again (email before this recent one) that they had been mailed and never arrived while talking with my brother's wife I suggested we act like they had gotten here and for her to have the same faith as me and we pray accordingly and guess what,,,yet another surgery he was to have has been cancelled,,since all drainage has stopped the doctors feel no need to put in a larger shunt, but as doctors go,,they insisted on another CATSCAN, which were happy they did,,,and it verified,,,no surgey needed,,hole in liver was closed,,but like doctors,,not satisfied they did an MIR,,not only to find hole closed but all broken vertabrae in lower lumbar area where mended,,off with the brace,,so like Our Lady says,,,what proof do you need?? What signs to you need??? and this is what we did,,,we couldn't have the rose petals since the evil one was obviously making sure they never came,,,yet by going on blind trust and faith that we had them this came about,,,one more thing,,,he has not been able to have BM'S and even enemas didn't work and a nurse would have to go to the house to dig out the fecal impaction (sorry be gross),,now even this has stopped,,now going one step at a time it's trying to get the 80-90 lbs back on him that he lost,,feeding tube is gone with all other tubes,,,eating by mouth slow and small portions is taking place,,thank you Jesus,,, So now you know why I didn't resend my physical address,,,and decided LONG ago that I didn't want them for me,,and noone knows this but our Lord and His Mother,,,and now you,,if my pain were taken away,,,what would I have to suffer for God the Father united the sufferings of the Son for reparation and salvation of souls?? The medals I sent you,,and told you in one of the emails with a dire message to a visionary,,please have those medals on yourself and loved ones,,was thinking a couple days ago or maybe yesterday,,how crazy,,,like our Lady wouldn't have you under her mantle of protection,,but be safe,,, put them on everyone in your family,,,as satan will attack and tempt you more than us,,,God bless,,forget my address,,satan will just way lay them somewhere,,,God bless and thank you,,,gotta get to doctors,,get another verdict today,,what ever God wants,,His will not mine,,, loretta Consider this a testimony,,, Should probably have written this sooner,,but waiting for doctor's proof through tests doesn't say much for my faith does it,,,just could not remember when the last time was you told me you sent out those petals for that was when we did this,,,just knew no matter how you would send them the evil one would not let them get here,,and now I think it's more because of me,,I know that PIG hates me because of my GREAT pain that I go to the foot of the cross and unite it with the sufferings of Jesus and give them to God the Father to His intentions,,that must throw that PIG into a real Rage--LOL LOL...God bless You have my permission to share this,,,,God loves praise and thanks
Subject: Dear Pat, A couple of weeks ago I wrote you a letter asking for some of your rose petals. My father has been waiting for a heart for a heart transplant for almost a year. My husband was ill and then was in a very bad car accident (he is fine now, Thanks be to God). My father's health had been declining and was back and forth between heart and kidney failure. Today I received your rose petals and prayers. I got the mail around 6:20 PM EST. I came inside to call my parents to let them know I received them. My father asked me to call him back in 15 minutes, they were watching a news program on t.v. 1 hour later I received a collect call from my father (they're in Houston, I'm in S.C.). He had just received a call from the hospital.....THEY HAVE A HEART FOR HIM!!!!! A TRUE MIRACLE!!!!! He's been waiting a year and on the day I received the rose petals intended for him, he receives the heart! THANK YOU JESUS, THANK YOU MARY.....THANK YOU GOD!!! I can not tell you how I feel. You can only imagine how blessed I (we) feel. Pray for him during these precious hours of surgery. Pray for the donor's family. I will keep you all posted....Thank you for all of the prayers. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. We HAVE been Blessed By Mary's Immaculate Heart!!! Annmarie Credit
Dear Mrs. Mundorf: Hello! I am Kate, Kathleen's daughter. First of all, I wanted to say that we are all praying for you to get through what goes on every day. You are very blessed indeed. Secondly, I personally wanted to thank you for the rosaries that you sent us. This weekend, my mother fell off of her horse in a very odd circumstance and broke her arm. When they were x-raying her, they found that the rosary in her pocket saved her hip from breaking!!!!! :) So, needless to say, she had one of the ones that you sent us, the one with the St. Benedict medal on. For some reason that day, she put it in her left pocket, instead of the right, which is where she always had it. She fell on the left leg. The doctor was the first to say that the rosary is what saved her from a broken hip. I cannot thank you enough, only pray that Our Lady will protect and shield you in all that goes on. May God bless and Keep You! Through Mary, Kate
Novemeber 7 1997: Subject: asma attack Hi Pat, after this event i wanted to let know people on catholicity... i wanted to testify for you and for Our Mother. I am sending you also the letter i send in case you did not received it. This grace has givin me the push i needed to continue to pray. Please say thanks again to Our Mother fromme. Tell Her i am a full not to pray more and to worry more then i pray!But tell her also i am trying hard! Can you asked her to heal my anxiety character. I have tried alot of things in therapy, but nothing seems to be permanantly. Tell her that i love Her very very much. I am starting to understand more and more wath my mission is in this apparition. I am sending you today a little gift. It's nothing, but it's from the heart! Thanks Pat to accept Her presence in your life so well. Do not loose hope, ever! For me, no matter now i know the truth! Michelle Daigneault Friday, 17 Apr 1998 Subject: asma attack (UPDATE) Well folks thanks to your prayers i am feeling 50% better. Pat Mundorf had send to me white petal roses blessed by Our Mother few weeks ago. On novemeber 7 1997 she promessed those that are consacreted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Sacred Heart of Our Mother that they would get great graces by those roses. Well in the middle of the crisis yesterday, when i was feeling really bad, i put this petals on my chest. Few minuts later i was doing much better. My voice is now coming back. But please continue to pray, i lost alot of my energy , and i really need it! > For some times i had my doubts on Pat Mundorf but was still looking and listening at her. I must say that it's the second thing something happended to me that Our Mother told her would happended and it did. The first was that i asked Pat to asked Our Mother to give me a sign that my brother was in Heaven, cause he had died in mortal sinn. SO she asked and Our Mother told her i would get the sign. Next week after i payed a mass for him. Then i waited... One day i had a sign but told my self that could not be it. That could have happended anyway, it was only a big coincidence. So one month ago or plus i aksed Pat again to asked Our Mother to give me a sign... I waited again and on that friday night whne my daughter almost died, drowned in the mood after falling from a tree cabin and was saved by praying God by her friend, i knew: The tree cabin had been constructed by my brother 20 something years ago!!! > Now i have no doubt about Pat, you can ask her to pray or any prayer request will be givin to Our Mother! This apparition is a special source of graces for everyone who needs it, but for now it is only for few people. Maybe Our Lady want to keep this one small. After all there is nothing more beautyful then something small: look at children. Michelle Daigneault
Dear Pat, When my Mother went into the Hospital on June 18,1998 for possible bypass surgery on her left leg, I pinned a Rose Petal from Our Holy Mother's Shrine that you sent to me in both of her pockets of her robe. The doctor had originally said he would make the first cut in her left groin and use that for the bypass, however when he made his incision the area he hoped to use was rock hard, he was very upset and discouraged but decided to go down the leg a little farther. He had to go down about 5 or 6 inches from the groin area which was probably the exact spot where the rose petal was touching her leg that is where he found the area to be used for the Operation. After her successful bypass surgery all the Surgeon and her Podiatrist keep calling her is 'The Miracle Woman or The Miracle Patient'. I know with all my heart that Our Holy Mother interceded for us once again and gave us another Miracle through her rose petals. Thank you Dearest Mother for all you do for us. In Jesus and Mary, Mary
Pat, Do you remember last week me asking you to add a 16 year old Girl, Nell to Our Lady's Journal she had a growth in her stomach. Well, I found out today that the doctors said it really was a miracle (I have goose bumps while I''m typing this) she supposedly had some type of growth in her abdomen which the doctors felt sure they would have to remove her ovaries and that she would not be able to have children in the future. I sent her a rose petal and when the doctors operated what they found was a free floating water filled cyst (they extracted 2 quarts of water from this cyst) they could not believe that a cyst of this size was not attached to any organs in the child's body. Praise be to God and please thank Our Mother for interceding again for us. Mary
Oh Pat, I'm so happy to hear more good news, now let's work on my Shaun, how can I put the rose petals on his head. This past wednesday, a friend of mine's husband was buried he was only 48 years old. He had cancer and the family was holding up pretty well. Well after I left the church because I had to go to work I stopped in My Parish Chapel because we have adoration until 7:30 PM everyday I was the only person in the Chapel and I told Jesus just how I felt and I cried my heart out to him about my Shaun and I told him I was handing Shaun over to him completely, that I couldn't worry about him anymore. Then I left the chapel and went to work just like any other day. The ironic part on Thursday I came home from work around 3:45 PM and said to Shaun, how about we go over to the Swimming Pool, Pat he said OK (you don't understand Shaun never wants to go out anywhere with me) he always just wants to stay in the bedroom and watch TV. But we went to the pool for 1 1/2 hours and had a great time he even went into the swimming pool with me, I was elated. Not finished yet, today I came home at 1:00 PM and said to him are you ready to go swimming? and he said OK we went from 2:00 until 4:00 and again he had a great time. This was my child from at least 10 years or more ago (he always was ready to go or do something with me, in fact my Mom used to call us Gypsies). I'm so happy I gave all my concerns and problems to Jesus look how fast he helped me. Please tell Mother tomorrow thank you especially from Me she has intereceded for me so much I just Love Her will all my Heart. Mary
Pat, Thanks Pat for all the prayers, I told my Mother before she went into surgery that she would be fine because she wouldn't believe how many people were praying for her all over the world, and I was right. I might be repeating myself but her surgeon keeps referring to her as his miracle patient. So tell Mother thank you so much from all of us for the rose petals, I gave another one to my boss today to give to a friend of theirs daughter who is 16 and has a growth in her stomach, she is scheduled for surgery on Thursday I believe. Her name is Nell. Mom didn't lose her leg and hopefully it will only be about 1/4 inch if that of the big toe. In Jesus and Mary, Mary
THANK YOU PATRICIA, from your webmaster. |