
Phoenix, Arizona

[ July 07 | July 21 2001 ]

JULY 07 2001


JULY 7, 2001

My Dear Children, today as I, your Mother of the World come to you, I come to remind you of the many requests for prayers for My children of the world. I have told you that this month could see war of the soil of the United States. I begged you to pray for a mitigation of this event.

The red countries I speak of consist of, Russia, China, Cuba and North Korea. Many of these countries have been making ready for war against the United States. Iraq has been ready but your prayers and sufferings have mitigated that war. It may start in Kuwait again, and in the no fly zones. Pray to stop this man. Please keep on praying for an end to the conflicts occurring in the world, and for peace to be a reality. There are many leaders out there who think that their countries are more powerful than the United States. These are the men who may try to instigate a war, but will not carry it through. Pray, Pray, PRAY!!!

The United States, with all its sin, wickedness and Godless ways is still much loved by God the Father. God favors the United States for its example of aiding other countries when needed. For standing the message of John. With God all things are possible. In God we trust is also one of My favorites. This country was founded with God as its leader and its backbone. This country was founded on its religious freedom. Many other countries have found favor with God also due to their aiding other countries less fortunate. Yet they are not founded in God. Europe, must convert of her evil sins and turn back to God . God awaits all sinners, and waits to be asked for forgiveness. God, has unlimited love and mercy for His children God also has severe punishments for those who will continue to defy Him and deny Him. United States, watch your storms, there has been loss of life. This is due to your sins and the sin of abortion is the worse sin committed by mankind as God chooses to allow the child to be formed in the mothers womb. Pray, Pray, PRAY!!!

Oh, My dear children, if only you could know the endless love God has for you. He sent His only son to you to save you, so you could enter the gates of heaven, knowing that you would crucify His Son, and not accept Him. Just as God allows me, Your Mother of the World to come to My daughter, ( Patricia Mundorf ) to remind you of your scriptures, and to warn you of the events to come, and to teach you of Gods love for you, and My Son, Jesus' love for you. I am allowed to tell you of the events to come that can be mitigated with prayer, fastings and sufferings.

Yet so many of you reject my messengers. You claim these words that I speak not to be true. My dear children, you need to pray and speak with the Holy Spirit. My messengers have been told they may leave a town and move on when rejected, Wipe the sands off their feet, You then will answer to God for your rejections. Pray, Pray, PRAY!!!

Today, I also will speak to you about Graces given to this prayer group that meets here. I will continue to bring special Graces to those who attend, BUT I tell you, all My children need to pray, fast and sacrifice as all countries are so full of hatred and sin. Praise God, for everything He does for you and your families. Know that soon, very soon, all that has been written in scripture will come to fruition..

You need to keep your souls ready all times. Keep Blessed Candles and your medals and religious articles close to you for protection from evil. Pray, Pray, PRAY!!!

Go in Peace and Love.

I Bless you all with My Motherly Mantle of Love.

Spanish flag



Dia 7 de Julio, 2001

Mis Queridos Hijos,
Hoy como Yo, su Madre del Mundo, vengo a ustedes, vengo a recordarles de las muchas veces que Les he pedido que oren por Mis hijos del mundo. Les he dicho que este mes se podria ver guerra en los Estados Unidos. Les rogué que rezáran por la mitigacion de éste evento.

Los países Rojos que Yo he mencionado consisten de Rusia, la China y Corea del Norte. Muchos de estos paises se han estado preparando para guerra contra los Estados Unidos. Iraq ha estado preparada pero sus oraciones y sufrimientos han mitigado esa guerra. Puede que comienze de nuevo en Kuwait, y en las areas que se prohibe volar. Rezen por detener a este hombre. Por favor sigan rezando por un fin a los conflictos que estan ocurriendo en el mundo, y que la paz sea una realidad. Existen muchos lideres en el mundo los cuales piensan que sus paises son mas poderosos que los Estados Unidos. Éstos son los hombres que pueden tratar de incitar una guerra, pero no lo llevarán hasta su termino. ¡¡¡REZEN, REZEN, REZEN!!!

Los Estados Unidos con todo su pecado, su maldad y su manera impia es todavia muy amado por Dios, El Padre. Dios favorece a los Estados Unidos por su ejemplo de ayudar a otros paises cuando lo necesitan. Por apoyar el mensaje de Juan, "Con Dios, Todo Es Posible". "En Dios Confiamos" es otro de Mis favoritos. Éste paiz fue fundado con Dios como su lider y su firmeza moral. Éste paiz fue fundado con libertad religiosa. Muchos otros paises han caido en gracia con Dios tambien debido a la ayuda entregada a otros paises menos afortunados. Sin embargo, no estan fundados en Dios. Europa tiene que convertirse de sus pecados viles y regresar a Dios. Dios espera a todos los pecadores y espera que les pidan perdon. Dios tiene amor y misericordia sin limite para sus hijos. Dios tambien tiene castigos severos para esos que continuan desafiandolo a El y negandolo. Estados Unidos, observen sus tormentas, han habido pérdidas de vidas.Ésto es debido a sus pecados y el pecado del aborto es el peor cometido por la humanidad porque Dios opta por permitir que el niño sea formado en el vientre de la madre. ¡¡¡REZEN, REZEN, REZEN!!!

¡O, Mis queridos hijos, si ustedes pudieran conocer de el infinito amor que Dios tiene por ustedes! El mandó Su unico Hijo a ustedes para sarvarlos, para que pudieran entrar al Reino de los Cielos, sabiendo que ustedes lo crucificarian, y no lo aceptarian. Al igual que Dios Me permite a Mi, Su Madre del Mundo, venir donde mi hija, (Patricia Mundorf) a recordarles de las Escrituras, y para advertirles de los eventos por venir, y para enseñarles del amor de Dios y de Mi Hijo, Jesus por ustedes. Me permiten decirles a ustedes de los eventos por venir que pueden ser mitigados con oracion, ayunas y sufrimientos.

Todavia tantos de ustedes rechazan a Mis mensajeros. Afirman que estas palabras que Yo hablo no son verdad. Mis queridos hijos, necesitan rezar y hablar con El Espiritu Santo. A Mis mensajeros se les ha dicho que pueden dejar al pueblo atras y seguir caminando cuando son rechasados. Limpiarse la arena de los pies. Ustedes entonces le responderan a Dios por sus rechazos. ¡¡¡REZEN, REZEN, REZEN!!!

Hoy tambien les hablare de las Gracias que se otorgan al grupo que se reúne aqui. Yo continuaré haciendo llegar Gracias especiales a todos los que atienden, PERO Yo les digo, todos Mis hijos necesitan rezar, ayunar y sacrificar porque todos los paises están tan llenos de odio y pecado. Ofrescanles alabanzas a Dios por todo lo que El hace por ustedes y sus familias. Sepan que pronto, muy pronto, todo lo que ha sido escrito en las Escrituras sera cumplido.

Nécesitan mantener sus almas preparadas siempre. Manténgan velas bendecidas y sus medallas y articulos religiosos cerca a ustedes para proteccion de lo malo. ¡¡¡REZEN, REZEN, REZEN!!!

Vayan en Paz y Amor.
Los Bendigo a todos con Mi Manto Maternal de Amor.

JULY 21 2001

MOTHER of the WORLD Message to
Patricia Mundorf 7-21-2001

My Dear Children, as I your Mother of the World come to you, I come with a deeply saddened heart over all the conflicts and disagreements going on through out your world. It dismays me to know that peaceful negotiations can not be met. I have told you many times to beware of the red countries. They are forming bonds between themselves yet none of the countries involved trust each other. This will lead to many problems as time goes on. Pray, Pray, PRAY!!!

I have spoken to you about war coming to the United States. This My dear children has been mitigated by your prayers and fastings and sacrifices. Remember NO sacrifice is too small that God would not honor this if done in good faith. I thank you so much for all you have accomplished My dear prayer warriors. Please continue to pray for all nations to end their conflicts. This can be accomplished and all wars ended if abortion were to be eliminated and My children would end their horrific sins of murder and hatred and spitefulness and return to God, who loves all His children. Pray, Pray, PRAY!!!

Remember, God loves the worst sinners the most and waits for their return. This is with nations also. The world is so full of death, from abortions, suicides, assisted suicides murder and your death penalties. This saddens God very much, and My Son, Jesus, who died for you. This is why all sin pierces My Son Jesus' heart with arrows. This is why both My Son, Jesus and I cry tears of blood. To make you wake up and see what your sins are doing, Our statues cry blood, this is a miracle from God for all of our children Pray, Pray, PRAY!!!

My dear children, in May I requested special prayers for a vision I had shown Patricia of. I spoke to her of many places where Mr Bin Laden would be targeting for terroristic attacks with bombs. I told her when he would strike which US embassies in which countries, She was not allowed to inform you, but her government agencies involved. Through them and your prayers we have stopped his bombings, and saved an embassy with many lives saved. In June many terrorists were arrested, but these are just pawns for this evil man. The USA has put many countries on alert at their embassies. I beg of you to keep praying for the capture of this man and his allies and that they be punished for their part in many deaths. I do not want this man put to death, nor any terrorist or leader, this is why I will not allow My daughter, Patricia to alert her countries leaders as to where they may find these people. I just want them to stay ahead of these pople to stop their plans. Please pray for an end to terrorism. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!!

My dear children, I am allowing my daughter and her husband to travel once again to speak to any who will listen about My messages, but also to prepare you for the times that are upon you. She will tell you of the pending disasters, and how to avoid many of them I have asked Patricia to explain a refuge, and safe haven to all she meets, as there are so many out there working for evil who wish to frighten you, to have you give all possessions to them, or sell them and give them the monies for these possessions. Please plan to come to hear what she has to say. Come with love and happiness in your hearts. Bring your questions and worries as she will dispel all these myths and rumors, with the truth and put your minds at ease. I have given Patricia and William a Special Blessing for all of you. I Love you My dear children. I have asked Patricia to tape these talks so all My children can hear what is being said. These will be given free, just some funds to cover the costs. But if you cannot afford to give, please ask for the free tape. I am sure many of you will send a little more than necessary for those less fortunate. These tapes may be translated into any language for all My children. Pray, Pray, PRAY!!!

I am requesting of you prayers for all My priests, many will be facing great trials soon. Pray they keep their faith and courage and for continued perseverance in their work. Pray much for My Son, Pope John Paul ll as he travels. God smiles with great love for this man. He is you Pope of the new millennium.

Please remember to go to confession and attend the sacrifice of the mass. This is so important, to participate in, and to receive Holy Eucharist.

Go in Peace and Love.

I Bless you all with My Motherly Mantle of Love.

( end of message )

Anyone may attend the Apparitions of the Blessed Mother. They are on the 1 st and 3 rd Saturdays. We start prayers and songs at 11:30 am. The rosary at 11:55.

The Blessed Mother comes at 12 noon. She brings many graces with Her. Everyones welcome.

If you would like to see and touch the statues of Jesus and Mary that have cried blood, you may do so after the message is received and read, or you can call anytime to make an appointment. Phone 620-278-3469.

All booklets, chaplets, rosarys, medals and scapulars can be gotten from
Patricia Mundorf - 404 N. Broadway Ave. - Sterling, Kansas - 67579 USA



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