MESSAGES OF OUR LADY TO PATRICIA MUNDORF Speaking Schedule Patricia Mundorf is available to speak to your group if you wish to contact her. All she requires is money for gas from one point to another as she and her husband drive and set up a route, so many stops can be had, They stay in cheap motels, so usually cost is 100 dollars. The Mundorfs will bring the statues of Jesus and Mary who have cried blood, the end times booklet and prayer books for free, with the rosaries, miraculous medals and brown scapulars. [ Previous Page | Next Page ] [ April 01 2000 | April 08 2000 | April 15 2000 ] APRIL 01 2000 MOTHER MARY'S MESSAGE TO PAT MUNDORF APRIL 1, 2000 Please read the note after the message. ( thanks, Pat ) My Dear Children, today, I your Mother of the world come in Thanksgiving for all My children who have given the prayers and sacrifices for the poor souls in purgatory I have asked for. I Thank You also for the Rosarys said so My children may know Peace through out the world. I ask of you to pray much for those who have been murdered and those who have done the murdering in the cult that took so many of my children to hell by their suicides, and unprepared for deaths. Pray, Pray ,PRAY !!! Today, as I come to you, My dear children, I beg of you to continue your prayers for Peace, Religious convictions, and the stop of abortions. This I must tell you, There will not be a complete stop to these atrocities on your earth until My Son, Jesus, sends the tribulation onto mankind. How horrid you are, that you rip a child of Gods out of its nourishing mothers womb, and throw it away as a piece of trash. YOU, My Dear children, have stopped many, many abortions with your rosarys. I beg of you to continue to pray for these innocent babies. Today, I also want to speak to you about the Holy Eucharist. My Son, Jesus, gave this sacrament to you. Why do you abuse this sacrament ? Many do not go to confession to clean their souls of their sin. Do you not realize the sin against the Holy Spirit when you do this act ? Please My Children, do not allow this sin into your lives. Go to confession, this is another of your sacraments. Many of you My children who receive My Sons body in your hands, I ask of you, are your hands clean, worthy to touch My Sons body ? How many of you have after washing, changed your child's diaper, or done some type of work to dirty your hands ? Think of what you are doing. Some of you my children are living out of marriage, as a couple, not sanctioned by your church, as you have been taught, you live as a husband and wife, then you come to receive My Son, Jesus', body, blood, soul and divinity. Many of you have children outside of marriage, and this is how you teach your children of God and the commandments., of your faith.? My children, marriage is a sacrament. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! I tell you My Son, Jesus is in all the sacraments. You My children, have been given free will by God to do as you want, but in your world today, you abuse the commandments given by God.. You need to focus your lives back on God and your commandments, Read your scriptures, obey the laws given by your church,. Pray much , My children for priests and all my religious. Keep my son John Paul ll your Pope in prayers. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! I Bless you all with My Motherly Mantle of Love. Go in Peace and Love. ( end of message ) Last Sunday the 26 th of March, Mother Mary's statue cried blood again. Mother has not said why . I would like to ask you all, if anyone would like to donate flowers to plant in remembrance of who or what, We are getting Mother and Jesus gardens ready, Its barren here, We will be installing the cement benches, fountains, bases and statues this week. If you want to write on a piece of paper what the plant is for, I will laminate this tag and put it on the plant. If you want to send money for a plant , please specify what kind, color, and your intentions. I also would like to ask for donations for the 14 pieces of wood needed to complete the stations of the cross. I have 2 sets, and the frames under glass. We want to put these in the yard. Thank you all for anything you may send. Prayers would be greatly accepted. Anyone wanting to visit is aways welcome. Patricia Mundorf THE TWO HEARTS UNITED IN BATTLE MAY YOU BE PROTECTED BY MARY'S MANTLE, PATRICIA MUNDORF APRIL 08 2000 to Patricia Mundorf My Dear daughter, today, I your Mother of the world, come to you, wth a gift from God. On May 13 th, My anniversary date of Fatima, I am being allowed to come to you and to any who want to be at your site, with a Special Miracle. This will be a cure. There is someone who has been praying for a cure, yet they do not trust enough in God to expect the cure, That their prayers will be answered. They will find true trust in God at your site for me, and be cured. I know , daughter that you will plan much fellowship and this will be fine. Praise My Son, Jesus. Give Him songs of praise and love. ( Pat asked if we could also sing songs for Mother and do prayers for her ) My daughter, if this is your wish , then you may do so, but do not forget My Son, Jesus, who loves you so dearly. Come, children, come to me and I will give you many graces. ( end of message ) Hey all of you, if you want to come , well you have my address, phone and email, come on to Sterling Kansas, If you have any ideas of music or whatever email me or call, I am open for suggestions. Was thinking of Pot Luck, everyone bring something. I have alot of chairs, but you may want t bring your own in case theres lots of you coming. How exciting, A CURE !!!!!!!! Thank you Jesus. Pat Mundorf 404 N. Broadway Ave ( Routes 14 and 96 North ) Sterling, Kansas, 67579 316-278-3469 email- PatMun@webtv.net ( Sterling is almost the middle of Kansas. North of Hutchinson by 20 minutes. Theres a motel here, and Lyons has a motel and hotel. Hutchinson has tons. THE TWO HEARTS UNITED IN BATTLE MAY YOU BE PROTECTED BY MARYS MANTLE, PATRICIA MUNDORF APRIL 15 2000 MOTHER MARY'S MESSAGE TO PATRICIA MUNDORF-4-15-2000 My Dear Children, today, as I come to you as Mother of the World, I thank you for your honoring of My Son, Jesus, as this Passion week starts. There have been so many preparations made honoring his life, death and resurrection. As you remember My Sons, Jesus's death on the cross for your sins, I want you also to remember His Rising and Ascension into Heaven, where He went to prepare a place for you. Be thankful, My children, Praise Jesus !!! My Dear Children, Jesus is Pure Love ! I am going to ask of you all to try to love as My Son, Jesus loves. Love your neighbor, not only as you love yourselves, but as you love Jesus. See Jesus in every face you meet. Have a Happy Heart. Now, with this in mind, I want to tell you why, I come to you and ask of you to make preparations for your end of time. I come to prepare you for the times written about in scriptures. I do this not to frighten you, but to warn you, prepare you, so you may go out and prepare many others. Your souls are so important to all in Heaven. God loves you so much, that He sent His only Son to deliver you. God allows me to come to you to try and continue what My Son, Jesus had begun. The saving of you souls. Prepare daily as you never know when your last day may come. Do not be presumptuous. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! My Dear Children, today I will also ask you to help My children in need. There are so many who go hungry, and here you are preparing for your Easter festivities, with all your foods and new clothes .Do you ever think of those who do not have enough food ? Do you not see Jesus in these faces? Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! My children, you have become too complacent in your lives, where your lives revolve around all your devices of entertainment. You do not see and hear all the filth, the sinfulness these devices bring into your homes. You are numb to all the evil coming into your lives .Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! I ask of you to give your lives totally to God., Trust in God. Many of you wait for a miracle to occur, to convince you of Gods love. I tell you, look around you at all that God created for you !!!!! Theres your miracles, The Miracle of life, human, animal and new life in all your plants and trees, look to your skies, have faith and believe. Many of you ask for a sign, I tell you this, be a sign. Show your fellow man your love and trust and faith in God. Remember your sacraments I Bless all items you may bring, but I ask you to have these blessed by a priest. I Bless you all with My Motherly Mantle of love. Go in Peace and Love. ( end of message ) NOTE FROM PAT: To all of my dear friends. Many of you have called and asked about the miracle cure to happen here on May 13, 2000. Yes there will be a cure, as Mother Mary said, A CURE, I take it as one, Someone I take as One. Some of you have mis- stated all will be cured, This is wrong. Some have said I have a refuge here, No. I also do not live on 5 acres. We have just moved here as of Dec, its a small town and I live in the city part. Lots of parking, lots of room. Many of you have asked about flowers, I am planting roses and other flowers for Mary and Jesus, IF you would like to donate a plant or money, in remembrance of a wedding, birth or death, Please feel free to do so. If you send me a plant, please, put the date and the reason , we will laminate these, IF you send money, specify what kind, color of plant, and also the name or date for this reason. We will make walkways between the roses, and you can walk it and search for yours. God Bless you all. THE TWO HEARTS UNITED IN BATTLE MAY YOU BE PROTECTED BY MARYS MANTLE, PATRICIA MUNDORF
The apparition of Our Blessed Mother are open to the public, They occur on the First and Third Saturday of ever month at 12:00 pm. Rosary and prayers start at 11:30. Due to our move and the closing of the Apparition site in Phoenix, there were no public messages given, no internet, phones or tv. The Blessed Mother has changed the time of her Apparition and visit with the public to 12 noon, still on 1st and 3 rd Saturdays. All are welcome to attend. Prayers will start at 11:30, Rosary at 11:55. Songs and any prayers you may want after the visit as Mary does stay for awhile. You may just want to reflect in private prayer. The new address for everything, Mary's prayer pamphlets and End times booklets, Rosarys , scapulars, Miraculous Medals, can be gotten by donation if possible, at: Pat Mundorf 404 N. Broadway Ave - Sterling, Kansas 67579 USA Phone 316-278-3469. NE Corner of Broadway and Washington North of Hutchinson Kansas .