Speaking Schedule Patricia Mundorf is available to speak to your group if you wish to contact her. All she requires is money for gas from one point to another as she and her husband drive and set up a route, so many stops can be had, They stay in cheap motels, so usually cost is 100 dollars. The Mundorfs will bring the statues of Jesus and Mary who have cried blood, the end times booklet and prayer books for free, with the rosaries, miraculous medals and brown scapulars. [ March 04 2000 | March 18 2000 ] MESSAGE TO PAT MUNDORF- MARCH 4, 2000 MOTHER MARYS MESSAGE FIRST SAT, 3-4-2000 My Dear children, today, I your Mother of the World, come to you with a heavy heart. I come to speak to you of My Son, Jesus spending long lonely hours of the day and night alone in the Tabernacle. I come to tell you of the multitude who do not heed the messages from Jesus. His love is unalterable, and will endure to the end of time. Can you not give of your time to My Son, Jesus ? He waits for you ever so patiently in the Eucharist in the tabernacle. When you receive My Son, Jesus in Communion, many of you are preoccupied, distracted, barely saying one word to Jesus in Thanksgiving.. This My children Must change. Jesus, My Son, gave His life for you. Jesus instituted this sacrament for you. At this time of your year, more so than any other time, I wish for you to spend more time in Thanksgiving and adoration of My Son. How Jesus loves you and waits for you to spend time with Him. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! My children, today I also want to tell you that many events that were to occur, have been mitigated in your world by your prayers and sufferings. from Pat, Mother had said there would be floods in the NE USA. Many said they did not happen, but the Allegheny, Monogahela and Ohio rivers were flooding, ) Thank you for your prayers. So Many of you give so much of yourselves, yet you do not try to save your brothers and sisters. I have asked you many times to go out and evangelize. Speak of Gods Love and Mercy, Save My Children. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! Today, I also want to speak to you on forgiveness. My Dear children, God waits for the worst sinner to come to Him, to ask of His forgiveness. and He is always ready to forgive. Ask and it shall be done, Go to confession, clear your soul, mind, and body. Keep your soul clean and free of sin. How many of you have bad feelings against another who has wronged you ? YET you ask for forgiveness daily in your prayers. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! My Dear children, Many events are taking place with your Pope John Paul ll. He travels and does tire out easily. Please remember His Holiness in prayers. There are many who want him to retire, This is not to be. Remember all your priests and religious in prayers also. This is going to be such a wondrous holy year for you all. Plan your ceremonies. Rejoice, have a Happy Heart. Teach your Bible to others. I have told you many times, most of the world does not know the bible, have never read it. You need to aid these people. Peace will never be attained through the world unless all peoples of all nations know the bible and all it contains. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! My Dear children, today I will start to ask of you to be kind and loving to people of all faiths, but mostly now to your Jewish brother and sisters. These people will all be one religion with you soon. But you must have Love, Patience and kindness, not hatred. This should be to all religions, but the Jewish people do not acknowledge My Son., Jesus. Remember My children, Jesus said He would never leave you, So He is always with you. Someday you will walk with Jesus. I beg of you to pray for all those involved in abortions, many just children themselves. I kiss the children, and Bless you all with My Motherly Mantle of Love. Go in Peace and Love. ( end of message ) THE TWO HEARTS UNITED IN BATTLE MAY YOU BE PROTECTED BY MARYS MANTLE, PATRICIA MUNDORF MARCH 18 2000
MARY"S MESSAGE TO PATRICIA MUNDORF 3-18-2000 My Dear Children, today, as I, your Mother of the world come to you, I want to Thank you for all your prayers, sacrifices and fasting you have given. So much has been mitigated due to your offerings. Thank you my faithful remnant. My dear children, I have been telling you many times to beware of the Reds. Please pray much these next few weeks, as there is an explosive situation waiting to occur. There has been much trickery and slight of tongue. They say one thing but do another. China and Russia have become allies. Neither country plans to truly be in allegiance, but use their resources, again, trickery. Beware, United States, as this may bring you into a conflict, which could create more problems for you. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! Today, I am asking you to look around you. I am sure you can find someone in a Special need, food, clothing, shelter or spiritual needs. I ask you to help someone. This is how you can become more Christ like. But My children, do this from your heart and not for attention. Let no one know what you are doing. Do not boast to others of what you have done or are doing. Also children of mine, when you fast and abstain, keep your appearance looking good, clean, and happy. Let no one know you are fasting. These are a few ways for you to be more Christ like. . These next few weeks, as you walk the walk My Son, Jesus walked on His way to His death, remember deep in your hearts, that Jesus did this for you. so your sins may be forgiven, and you may enter the gates of Heaven. Until My Son, Jesus' death, Heaven was closed to you. Thank Jesus, Praise Jesus, spend time in adoration with Jesus. He loves you so very much and waits for your company. Jesus IS with you when you call on Him, Remember, my dear children, Jesus said He would be with you forever .Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! My dear children, I need to tell you again, of your weather problems, I told you there would be droughts all over the world, other areas will be flooded, look around you at what all has occurred this year .Too warm where it should be cold, not enough snow nor rain where it should be .United States will have much crop damage, due to the droughts and floods, especially in the southern and northern areas. Beware, plan ahead, the middle of the states, your plains areas, where My daughter lives, will have a good crop this year in most of their areas. My children, pray that this drought and floods can be mitigated, This My children, your Jubilee year, I ask of you to listen and obey your Pope John Paul ll .Follow His directions, He will lead you wisely. Pray much for him as he is under much conviction and stress. The Vatican, Rome, has asked of the world to forgive its sins, Does this not tell you of things to occur soon. ? Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! I beg of you to go to confession often, keeping your souls in a state of Grace. Do all you can to become more Christ like. I am going to ask you to pray for those of your enemies. Those who have hurt you or your family. Its easy to pray for those you love and all your friends, but I ask you to pray from your heart for your enemies. This My children will also help you to become more like My Son, Jesus, I love you all My, Children, and Bless you all with My Motherly Mantle of Love. I look forward to spending time with you when you visit with me and pray, during My appearance here, and I will Bless any articles you bring. I also will give many graces to those making a pilgrimage. Go in Peace and Love. ( end of message ) THE TWO HEARTS UNITED IN BATTLE MAY YOU BE PROTECTED BY MARY'S MANTLE, PATRICIA MUNDORF NOTE from Patricia The apparition of Our Blessed Mother are open to the public, They occur on the First and Third Saturday of ever month at 12:00 pm. Rosary and prayers start at 11:30. Due to our move and the closing of the Apparition site in Phoenix, there were no public messages given, no internet, phones or tv. The Blessed Mother has changed the time of her Apparition and visit with the public to 12 noon, still on 1st and 3 rd Saturdays. All are welcome to attend. Prayers will start at 11:30, Rosary at 11:55. Songs and any prayers you may want after the visit as Mary does stay for awhile. You may just want to reflect in private prayer. The new address for everything, Mary's prayer pamphlets and End times booklets, Rosarys , scapulars, Miraculous Medals, can be gotten by donation if possible, at: Pat Mundorf 404 N. Broadway Ave - Sterling, Kansas 67579 USA Phone 316-278-3469. NE Corner of Broadway and Washington North of Hutchinson Kansas . THE TWO HEARTS UNITED IN BATTLE MAY YOU BE PROTECTED BY MARY'S MANTLE, PATRICIA MUNDORF