MESSAGES OF OUR LADY TO PATRICIA MUNDORF ![]() Español Messages available in Spanish Speaking Schedule Patricia Mundorf is available to speak to your group if you wish to contact her. All she requires is money for gas from one point to another as she and her husband drive and set up a route, so many stops can be had, They stay in cheap motels, so usually cost is 100 dollars. The Mundorfs will bring the statues of Jesus and Mary who have cried blood, the end times booklet and prayer books for free, with the rosaries, miraculous medals and brown scapulars. [ Previous Page | Next Page ] [ July 01 2000 | July 15 2000 ] JULY 01 2000 MOTHER MARY'S MESSAGE To PATRICIA MUNDORF- JULY 1, 2000 Please see note below after message..... My Dear Children, today as I your Mother of the World come to you, I ask of you to continue in your prayers and sufferings for the sins of the world. Many of My children who have been away from God for many years are beginning to return to love God. Many are coming back to their church with much faith . Thank you My Children for all the work and prayers you do for the Lord. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! Today, My Dear Children, I am asking that the world be consecrated to My Son, Jesus' Sacred Heart and My Immaculate Heart, in October, between the dates of the 8 th day and the 13 th day. This is the time that I will come with a message each day at 12 noon for the world. I ask of Bishops and Priests, religious and you My Dear Children, to do this consecration for Me, your Mother of the World. Please My Dear Children, I ask of you to Pray that Pope John Paul ll will also do this consecration in October. If this consecration is done then you may find more Graces given and a chance for Peace to begin throughout the world. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! I want to ask of you today to begin to pray more to My Son, Jesus. He awaits you in ALL the Tabernacles of the world. Jesus is so very Lonely as you do not call on Him as often as you need to. He awaits you every morning when you awaken to a new day. My Son, Jesus is there waiting for you, as your best friend. You may tell Jesus anything. Call on Jesus anytime when you feel pain, sorrow, despair, alone, and emptiness in your life. Let Jesus fill your life. Remember to thank Jesus daily for all He has done for you. Look around you at your world, see and hear all that has been created for you to enjoy, for those who can not see or hear, use your fingers to feel the creations around you. Many of you My ear Children, have so much, in the material world, yet you seek for more, There are many of My Dear Children who through events that have occurred, have no homes, jobs, money, no material possessions that are necessary to survive, they cry in desperation, many have lost their families and friends due to the conflicts that have occurred Pray for these children of My Heart. My Dear Children, I beg of you, when these events occur to you, please keep your faith, do not turn your backs on God, Keep yourselves in prayer, Prayers are answered, not in your time but in Gods time. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! Praise My Son, Jesus, Give Him all Glory and Honor. This week some of you will celebrate a holiday, but, will you put Jesus first in your life. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! My Dear Children, today, I will ask of you to pray for the mothers and fathers of aborted babies. Use your rosary as a weapon against abortion. Please My Dear Children, not use violence. I also ask of you to pray for the children of mine who are on death row, I ask of you to pray that their lives may be saved. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! I ask of you, also My Dear Children, to forgive all persons who have harmed you in any way, how do you expect to be forgiven for your sins if you can not forgive another.? Please My Dear Children, forgive your brothers and sisters. What a better way to have a pure, clean heart and soul. Go to confession do penance, and receive the Holy Eucharist, My Sons Body and Blood , Soul and Divinity. Remember, you never know when the end of time will be for you. Go in Peace and Love. I Bless you all with My Motherly Mantle of Love. ( end of message ) ********NOTE The chaplets are now ready, The beading has been done wrong, but you can still use them, The prayers accompany them. THE TWO HEARTS UNITED IN BATTLE MAY YOU BE PROTECTED BY MARYS MANTLE, PATRICIA MUNDORF
MENSAJE DE LA MADRE MARIA A PAT MUNDORF Primero de Julio, 2000 Favor de leér la nota despues del mensaje..... Mis Queridos Hijos, Hoy Yo como su Madre del Mundo vengo a uds. a pedirles que continuen con sus oraciones y sufrimientos por los pecados mucha fe. Gracias Mis Hijos por todo el labor y las oraciones que hacen por El Señor. ¡¡¡REZEN, REZEN, REZEN!!! Hoy Mis Queridos Hijos, Les estoy pidiendo que el mundo sea consagrado en Octubre al Sagrado Corazon de Mi Hijo Jesus va a ser el tiempo en el cual Yo regresare con un mensaje para el mundo todos los dias a las doce de la tarde. Les pido a los por Mi, Su Madre Del Mundo. Por favor, Mis Queridos Hijos, Les pido que rezen que el Papa Juan Pablo II tambien haga Quiero pedirles hoy que le rezen mas a Mi Hijo Jesus. El los espera en TODOS los Tabernaculos del mundo. Jesus se siente sentir las creaciones a sus alrededores. Muchos de Uds., Mis Queridos Hijos, tienen tanto en el mundo material, y sin enbargo continuan buscando mas. Hay muchos Delen alabanza a Mi Hijo Jesus, Delen Honor y Gloria. Esta semana algunos celebrarån un dia feriado, pero. ¿Vendrá Jesus Mis Queridos Hijos, hoy, les pediré a uds. que rezen por las madres y padres de bebés abortados. Usen sus Rosarios como Les pido tambien, Mis Queridos Hijos, que perdonen a las personas que le hallan causado daño en cualquier forma. ¿Como puras y limpias. Vayan a Confesion y hagan Penitencia y reciban la Santa Eucaristîa, El Cuerpo, Sangre, Alma y Divinidad de Vayan en Paz y Amor. Los bendigo con Mi Manto Maternal de Amor. (Fin de mensaje) ******NOTA****** La direccion para pedir el decenario del Santro Rostro de Jesus y la Mrs. Pat Mundorf JULY 15 2000 MOTHER MARY'S MESSAGE to Patricia Mundorf- JULY 15, 2000 My Dear Children, today, as I , your Mother of the Word come to you, I want to thank you for all you have accomplished with your prayers, sufferings and sacrifices. You , My Dear Children have mitigated many storms and disasters that were to have occurred lately, and would have taken many lives. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! I ask of you to form prayer cenacles in which you pray to My Son, Jesus' Holy Face, and say the prayers to the Holy Face of Jesus and the chaplet of the Precious Blood I asked of Patricia to acquire for you all. I ask this to be done for World Peace. I ask also that where possible, the picture of My Son, Jesus' Holy Face be placed in church for all to see, and so you may remember how Jesus suffered and died for you. Pray, Pray, PRAY!!! I ask of you to pray for your Holies. Your Pope, the Arch-Bishops, Bishops, Cardinals and your priests, brothers and sisters. So many of these Holies of Jesus are in union with the Masons and are a big part of the separations within your church. So many empty positions we see in your seminaries, convents, monasteries, and your Churches. So many of My Children do not believe in the true church, which My Son, Jesus left for you. Many of you, My children, do not believe in the true existence of My Son, Jesus in the Bread and Wine, which you receive in Communion. Your priests transform the bread and wine into My Son, Jesus' body and blood. Please, My dear Children, partake of this Holy Eucharist given to you from My Son, Jesus before He died on the cross for you. There are many of My children who do not believe in confession, as you call it reconciliation. My children, YES Jesus died on the cross for you to enter the gates of Heaven, God the Father made this possible, but Dear Children, this was done for your sins, but you still sin, And this sin must be confessed with a true sorrow for your sin and the priest is the one who through out the ages has been handed down the power to hold that sin or loose it. My Dear children, go to confession often, and receive My Sons body and blood, your communion often. My Dear Children, I ask of you to go out and Evangelize to your neighbors and co-workers, and friends. Tell all about the Gospels, tell them of Gods Love and Mercy for them all, and how God loves the worst sinner and waits for them to ask of His forgiveness. Teach all about how Jesus died for their sins, and how He IS present in the Bread and Wine. Teach them all by example also. My Dear Children, most of the children of the world do not know of Jesus, or of His never ending Love , nor how He died for them, and waits for them. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! My Dear Children, many of you are asking about the " Secrets " of Fatima, and if what has been told to you is true, Do you NOT trust in My Son, Pope John Paul ll '. Remember, children, as My Son, Jesus spoke in Parables I also speak in parable at times. The revelations are not all in the exact words. My Children, Do not look for answers on the " Secrets " nor try to assign a date for your end times. You need to Pray, and sacrifice and ask God for this NOT to occur soon, so many more lives can be saved, and many more of My Children can know of Jesus Love and Mercy . Remember, My Dear Children, You need to become as little children, trusting all to God, in order to enter Heaven. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! Go in Peace and Love. I Bless you all with My Motherly Mantle of Love. THE TWO HEARTS UNITED IN BATTLE MAY YOU BE PROTECTED BY MARYS MANTLE, PATRICIA MUNDORF (End of Message)
MENSAJE DE LA MADRE MARIA A PAT MUNDORF ***Vean la nota despuez del mensaje**** 15 de Julio, 2000 Mis Queridos Hijos, Asi como yo, su Madre del Mundo vengo a uds., quiero darle las gracias por todo lo que han logrado con sus oraciones, sufrimientos y sacrificios. Uds., Mis Queridos Hijos, han mitigado numerosas tormentas y desastres los cuales iban a ocurrir recientemente y hubieran tomado muchas vidas. ¡¡¡ REZEN, REZEN, REZEN !!! Les pido que formen Cenåculos de oracion en los cuales les rezan al Santro Rostro de Mi Hijo Jesus y rezan el Decenario de la Sangre Preciosa. Le he pedido a Patricia que adquriera el Decenario para uds. Les pido que hagan ésto por la Paz Mundial. Tambien les pido que donde posible, coloquen en la Iglesia, para todos ver, un cuadro del Santo Rostro de Jesus, para que asi se recuerden como Jesus sufrio y murio por uds. ¡¡¡ REZEN, REZEN, REZEN !!! Les pido que rezen por sus Santificados, su Pápa, los Arzobispos, los Obispos, Cardenales y sus Sacerdotes, Hermanos y Hermanas. Tåntos de éstos Santificados estån en union con los Masones y forman una gran parte de las separaciones dentro de la Iglesia. Vemos tantas colocaciones vacîas en sus Seminarios, Conventos, Monasterios, y en sus Iglesias. Tantos de Mis Hijos no creen en la iglesia legitima, la cual, Mi Hijo Jesus les dejo para uds. Muchos de uds. Mis Hijos, no creen en la cierta existencia de Mi Hijo, Jesus, en el Pan Bendito y el Vino que reciben en la Comunion. Sus Sacerdotes transforman el pan y el vino al Cuerpo y Sangre de Mi Hijo Jesus. Por favor, Mis Hijos Queridos, participen de la Santa Eucaristîa dada a uds. por mi hijo Jesus antes de morir en la cruz por uds. Hay muchos de Mis Hijos que no creen en Confesarse o Reconciliacion como uds. le llaman. Mis Hijos, Jesus SI murio en la cruz para uds. poder entrar por las puertas del Cielo. Dios el Padre lo hizo posible, pero Queridos Hijos, esto fue hecho por sus pecados, pero todavia pecan. Este pecado tiene que ser confesado con verdadero arrepentimiento y el Sacerdote es `El, que por todas las epocas, se le ha dado el poder de perdonar o de retener ese pecado. Mis Queridos Hijos, vayan a Confesion frequentemente y reciban el Cuerpo y Sangre de Mi Hijo, su Comunion con frequencia. Mis Queridos Hijos, Les pido a uds. que salgan afuera y prediquen a sus vecinos y compañaneros de trabajo y amistades. Diganle todo lo del Evangelio, diganle del Amor y Misericordia de Dios para todos y cómo Dios ama al peor pecador y como éspera que vengan a pedirle Su perdon. Enseñen todo de cómo Jesus murió por sus pecados, y cómo El está presente en el Pan y Vino. Enseñenles a todos con sus ejemplos tambien. Mis Queridos Hijos, muchos de los Niños del mundo no conocen a Jesus o de Su Amor sin fín, ni de cómo murió por ellos, y que los espera. ¡¡¡ REZEN, REZEN, REZEN!!! Mis Queridos Hijos, muchos de uds. están preguntando sobre "Los Secretos" de Fatima, y si lo que le han dicho es la verdad. ¿No confian uds. en Mi Hijo, el Pàpa Juan Pablo II? Recuerden Hijos, como Mi Hijo Jesus hablaba en Parabolas, Yo a veces, tambien hablo en Parabolas. Las revelaciones no están todas en las exactas palabras. Mis Hijos, no busquen por explicaciones sobre los "Secretos" ni traten de asignar fechas a sus tiempos finales. Necesitan rezar y sacrificar y pedirles a Dios que ésto no ocurra pronto, para que mas vidas se puedan salvar y muchos mas de Mis Hijos puedan conocer del Amor y Misericordia de Jesus. Recuerden, Mis Queridos Hijos, uds. necesitan ser como los niñitos confiando todo a Dios en orden para poder entrar al Cielo. ¡¡¡ REZEN, REZEN, REZEN !!! Vayan en Paz y Amor. Los bendigo a todos con Mi Manto Maternal de Amor. ****Nota***** Para ordenar el Decenario y la Oracion escriban a : Mrs. Patricia Mundorf
The apparition of Our Blessed Mother are open to the public, They occur on the First and Third Saturday of ever month at 12:00 pm. Rosary and prayers start at 11:30. Due to our move and the closing of the Apparition site in Phoenix, there were no public messages given, no internet, phones or tv. The Blessed Mother has changed the time of her Apparition and visit with the public to 12 noon, still on 1st and 3 rd Saturdays. All are welcome to attend. Prayers will start at 11:30, Rosary at 11:55. Songs and any prayers you may want after the visit as Mary does stay for awhile. You may just want to reflect in private prayer. The new address for everything, Mary's prayer pamphlets and End times booklets, Rosarys , scapulars, Miraculous Medals, can be gotten by donation if possible, at: Pat Mundorf 404 N. Broadway Ave - Sterling, Kansas 67579 USA Phone 316-278-3469. NE Corner of Broadway and Washington North of Hutchinson Kansas .