MESSAGES OF OUR LADY TO PATRICIA MUNDORF ![]() Español Messages available in Spanish Speaking Schedule Patricia Mundorf is available to speak to your group if you wish to contact her. All she requires is money for gas from one point to another as she and her husband drive and set up a route, so many stops can be had, They stay in cheap motels, so usually cost is 100 dollars. The Mundorfs will bring the statues of Jesus and Mary who have cried blood, the end times booklet and prayer books for free, with the rosaries, miraculous medals and brown scapulars. [ Previous Page | Next Page ] [ August 05 2000 | August 07 2000 | August 08 2000 | August 13 2000 | August 19 2000 | August 21 2000 ] AUGUST 05 2000 MOTHER MARY'S MESSAGE to PATRICIA MUNDORF 8-05-2000 My Dear Children, Today as I your Mother of the World come to you, I beg of you to pray for Peace in your countries. There are many countries making ready to strike on another country, causing war. These leaders do not have respect for God, nor of any other leaders. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! These next few months may be filled with many conflicts and wars, many of My children will die. This can be mitigated with prayer and sacrifice. Prayers , My children, can and has stopped wars. I thank you all My remnant children for your prayers and sacrifices. You have mitigated many severe storms and conflicts and have led many of My children to God. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! Today My dear children, I am going to teach you of satan. All the good that God stands for, satan tries to stop. satan is the total opposite of God, God is all good, and satan is all evil. All that Heaven is, hell is the opposite. satan is the King of lies, hate, murder, and sin. When he begins to rejoice at the turmoil he has caused in families, churches, your workplaces, your government and countries, and then you, My dear children, turn things over to God, with your prayers and sacrifices, satan strikes, as he hates those prayers, and he hates you. You may notice the closer you get to God, doing Gods will, and to living a life filled with God, attacks come from evil. Satan wishes to cause division not only in My church, but in families. Satan has had his demons possess many of my children, including My Chosen children, My messengers. My daughter, Patricia has had many physical attacks from satan, and I have taken control of the situation as she had called on me. satan has sent demons to dwell within her daily, and she must pray and fight these demons. ALL My chosen children need help to fight these demons. Please keep My messengers in your daily prayers to fight the evil one. My dear priests, it IS your duty to pray and exorcize as you have been taught and given the ability to do. Use this ability. I watched as a priest was present when My daughter became possessed by a demon, yet he did nothing. He knew by her words and actions, that this was not like her normal behavior, yet he did nothing to aid her. I did come to aid her that day and many other times., Please pray for priests as they refrain from doing their duties. Too many of My priests have become worldly. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! My children, I am going to teach you how to rid another person of demons. When you go to pray over someone, make the sign of the cross, and ask God to help you in calling out the demons in this person. If you have Holy Water, salt or oil, handy, then Bless this person with it only by sprinkling. Do NOT touch them with your hands. Use a Crucifix to touch the person, then put your hand over the Crucifix, My Sons body will keep the demons from transferring into you. Pray to God, and COMMAND the demon of the named person, to come out and leave to the bowels of hell from which he came, and demand that he stay out of that person named. Say this prayer, " You are NOT of My Lord Jesus Christ, so by His holy wounds, his agonizing passion, and His cruel death, you are to be gone now, Make the sign of the cross and say, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Amen, ALL praise and glory belong to Him." My dear children, you will begin to see many changes in your world start very soon, Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! Remember your sacraments of confession and communion, pray for My priests, and each other, pray for peace. Pray for all the people who murder My unborn children, that they may have a change of heart. Go in Peace and Love. I Bless you all with My Motherly Mantle of Love. ( end of message )
Dia 5 de Agosto, 2000 Mis queridos hijos, Hoy como Madre Del Mundo, vengo a Uds. Les ruego que rezen por la Paz en sus paices. Estos proximos meses pueden ser llenos de muchos conflictos y guerras, muchos de Mis hijos moriran. Esto puede ser mitigado con oracion y sacrificio. Las Oraciones, Mis hijos, pueden y han parado guerras. Les doy las gracias a todos Mis Dedicados hijos por sus oraciones y sacrficios. Han mitigado muchas tormentas severas y conflictos y han conducido a muchos de Mis hijos a Dios. !!! REZEN, REZEN ,REZEN !!! Hoy Mis queridos hijos, Les voy a ensenar de satanas. Todo lo bueno que Dios representa, satanas trata de detener. Satanas es todo lo contrario de Dios. Dios es todo bueno, satanas es todo lo malo. Todo lo que el Cielo es, el Infierno es lo contrario. Satanas es el rey de la mentira, odio, muerte y pecado. Cuando el comienza a regorcijarce por la confusion que ha causado en las familias, iglesias, sitios de empleo, sus gobiernos y sus paices y entonces ustedes, Mis queridos hijos, les entregan todo a Dios con sus oraciones y sacrificios, satanas ataca, porque el odia esas oraciones y los odia a ustedes. Se pueden dar cuenta que mientras mas se acerquen a Dios, haciendo Su Voluntad, y viviendo una vida enriquecida con Dios, ataques vienen de lo maligno. Satanas desea causar division no solamente en Mi Iglesia, si no tambien en las familias. Satanas a hecho que sus demonios posean a muchos de Mis hijos, incluyendo a Mis escojidos, Mis mensajeros. Mi hija, Patricia ha sufrido muchos ataques fisicos de satanas, y Yo he tomado control de la situacion porque ella me ha llamado. Satanas ha mandado a demonios a morar dentro de ella diariamente, y ella tiene que rezar y luchar contra estos demonios. Por favor mantengan a Mis mensajeros en sus oraciones cotidianas para luchar contra el maligno. Mis queridos Sacerdotes, Es su deber orar y exorcizar como se les ha ensenado y como se le ha dado la capacidad de hacerlo. Usen esta capacidad. Yo vi cuando un Sacerdote estubo presente cuando mi hija fue poseida por un demonio, y sin embargo no hizo nada. El sabia, por sus palabras y gestos, que este no era su comportamiento normal, y no hizo nada para auxiliarla. Yo vine a auxiliarla ese dia y en muchas otras ocasiones. Por favor, rezen por Mis Sacerdotes, porque no estan cumpliendo con sus deberes. Demasiado de muchos de Mis Sacerdotes se han avezados en las cosas del mundo. !!! REZEN, REZEN, REZEN !!! Mis hijos, Les voy a ensenar como librar a otra persona de demonios. Cuando uds. rezen sobre una persona, hagan la senal de la Cruz y pidanle a Dios que les ayude a sacarles los demonios a esa persona. Si tienen Agua Bendita, sal o aceite a mano, entonces Bendigan a esta persona con ello, solamente roceandole. NO LO TOQUEN con sus manos. Usen un Crucifijo para tocar la persona , entonces pongan su mano sobre el Crucifijo, El Cuerpo de Mi Hijo evitara que los demonios se transfieran a uds. Rezenle a Dios, y ORDENEN al demonio de la persona nombrada a que salga, y que se valla a las entranas del Infierno de donde vino, y DEMANDEN que se quede fuera de la persona nombrada. Digan esta oracion: No eres de Mi Senor Jesucristo, asi que por Sus Santa Heridas, Su agonizante Pasion, y Su cruel muerte, vas a irte ahora mismo! Hagan la senal de la Cruz y digan, en el Nombre Del Padre, Del Hijo Y Del Espiritu Santo, Amen. Toda alabanza y gloria le pertenece a El. Mis queridos hijos, comenzaran a ver muchos cambios en su mundo my pronto. !!! REZEN, REZEN, REZEN !!! Acuerdense de los Sacramentos de Confesion y Comunion, rezen por mis sacerdotes, y por cada uno de uds. Rezen por la Paz. Rezen por toda la gente que asesinan a mis hijos no nacido aun (abortos) para que puedan tener un cambio de opinion. Vayan en Paz y Amor. Los Bendigo a todos con Mi Manto Maternal de Amor. (Fin de mensaje) AUGUST 07 2000 GREETINGS TO MARY From: Patricia Mundorf HAIL MARY, hello, how are you ? THE TWO HEARTS UNITED IN BATTLE AUGUST 08 2000 CONSECRATION OF THE HUMAN RACE TO THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS From: Patricia Mundorf Most sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us humbly You are King, oh Lord, not only of the faithful who have never You are king, of all those who are still involved in the darkness Grant, Oh Lord, to Your Church assurance of freedom and immunity THE TWO HEARTS UNITED IN BATTLE AUGUST 13 2000 BLESSED MOTHER MARY'S MESSAGE to (Note: Pat did not put a date on this so don't know if she received it this morning or not) My Dear Children of the World. I am coming to you today to beg of you to Pray, for Iraq, This leader, Saddam will strike Kuwait in the next month. Please my children of the world, this could bring about a major war between many countries, including, the United States , Russia and China. These larger countries are standing behind these smaller countries, as they had promised. Again My dear children, I beg of you to pray for mitigation of this strike. Do you, My children, not see the signs that have been shown to you ? Open your eyes and ears My dear children, look around you at all the weather problems, floods, droughts, heat, fires? Look to your skies My dear children, what do you see occurring ? Turn your lives back to God, REPENT!!! REPENT !!! REPENT !!! Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! Convert your brothers and sisters before it is too late, If you do not try to save souls , you will be responsible at your judgement. BEWARE My children, as your times as you have known them are soon to come to fruition. as has been written in your Scriptures. Pray, Pray, PRAY!!! My Son and I Love you so very much, and we are just trying to save many souls of My children. This is why we warn you, I Bless you all and will give many graces to all who read and heed My Messages. Go in Peace and Love, and do not fear. ( end of message)
El 13 de Agosto, 2000 11:26 a.m. (Nota: Pat no dio fecha para este mensaje asi que no se si fue recibido esta manana o no.) Mis Queridos Hijos Del Mundo, Vengo a Uds. hoy para rogarles que Rezen por Iraq. Este lider, Saddam, atacara a Kuwait en el proximo mes. Por favor Mis hijos del mundo, esto puede traer resultados de una guerra mayor entre muchos paises, incluyendo los Estados Unidos, Rusia y la China. Estos paises mas grandes estan respaldando a los paises mas pequenos como prometieron hacerlo. De nuevo, Mis queridos hijos, les ruego que rezen para mitigar este ataque. ?No ven Uds. , Mis hijos, las senales que se le han demostrados? Abran sus ojos y oidos Mis queridos hijos, miren a sus alrededores a todos los problemas con el tiempo, inundaciones, sequias, calor, fuegos? Miren a sus cielos, Mis queridos hijos, ?que ven ocurriendo? Regresen sus vidas a Dios, !!! ARREPIENTANSE !!! ARREPIENTANSE!!!, !!! REZEN, REZEN, REZEN!!! Conviertan a sus hermanos antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Si no tratan de salvar almas, seran responsables cuando llegue su juicio. Cuidense MIs hijos, que los tiempos como Uds. los han conocido pronto llegaran a su fin, como se ha escrito en las Escrituras. !!! REZEN, REZEN, REZEN !!! Mi Hijo y Yo Les queremos tanto, y solamente estamos tratando de salvar numerosas almas de Mis Hijos. Por eso es que Les advertimos. Les Bendigo a todos y Les dare muchos dones a todos los que lean y presten atencion a Mis mensajes. Vayan en Paz y Amor, y no se atemorizen. (Fin del mensaje) AUGUST 19 2000 MOTHER MARY'S MESSAGE to My Dear Children, today as I your Mother of the World come to you, I come with so much love from all of Heaven for all of My children. My Dear Children, God, your Father, allows Me to come to you with these messages to try and save the souls of many of My children. God loves you and does not want to see any of his children lose their soul to the evil one and spend an eternity in hell. This is why I come to warn and teach you of events that are soon to commence upon your earth. God, your Father created you and all things around yo to sustain you, to give you enjoyment and fulfilment. God created you to Love him and give Him honor and Glory. I tell you this as a reminder, as so many of you do not like to be told of these events that are soon to commence on earth. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! Today I want to speak with you about prayers. My dear children, when you pray, do you say these prayers from your heart, or are they just words that you repeat. I ask you this because so many of you believe that quantity is better than quality. If all you can say is " Jesus" this would truly suffice if it comes from your heart. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! As you go about your daily duties, do you remember to thank God for giving you a new day ? What abut your health, thank God even for your illness, as this illness gives Glory to God. Thank God through out the day for all He has done for you. I want to tell you, My dear children that in the coming months of Autumn you may watch your sky for a sign from God. You have been shown many signs from God, but, STILL you refuse to turn your souls to God, What will it take ? I told you many months ago about the droughts and floods, about crop failures. You have mitigated much of this but LOOK around you, Droughts where it usually is not dry, and floods where it usually never floods, LOOK My dear children around your world, at the fires. what are these fires doing to the air you breathe.? These fires are taking away your trees that give off oxygen. Volcanoes are getting ready to erupt, earthquakes and tremors abound the world. There are wars and rumors of wars through out your world. Countries are beginning to take sides against countries. The mark of the beast is being made ready for all of mankind. Someday soon all of you will be required to take this mark. You must pray for mitigation. You have heard of all of these events that have been told to you in Scriptures, yet you still are blind and deaf. Someday you will cry out in terror for God, but will you be ready ? God is always ready to accept any of His children back to Him, all you need to do is say you are sorry with a contrite heart. My dear children, all of this is why I beg of you to evangelize to all of My children, all over the world. So many of My children have never heard of Jesus, most of My children have never heard of the Scriptures. Please , I beg of you , go out and teach My children. They MUST know about God, the Scriptures and My Son, Jesus, in order to have salvation. Pray, Pray, PRAY!!! My dear children, have a Happy Heart and do not fear as events begin to unfold in your world. Remember your Sacraments, and keep all that is Holy. I have told you before My dear children that n the year 2000 the warning and the miracle will NOT occur. I tell you this again so you may separate the wheat from the chaff. The true prophets from the false prophets. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! Go in Peace and Love. I Bless you all with My Motherly Mantle of Love. (end of message)
19 de Agosto, 2000 Mis Queridos HIjos, Hoy, comos la Madre Del Mundo vengo a ustedes, vengo con mucho amor de todo el Cielo para todos Mis hijos. Mis queridos hijos, Dios, su Padre, Me permite venir a donde ustedes con estos mensajes para tratar de salvar el alma de muchos de mis hijos. Dios los ama y no quiere ver que ninguno de sus hijos pierdan su alma a el maligno y que pasen una eternidad en el infierno. Por eso es que Yo vengo a advertirles y a ensernales a uds. sobre los acontecimientos que pronto van a comenzar sobre su tierra. Dios, su Padre los creo a uds. y a todas las cosas a sus alrededores para sostenerles, para darle deleites y satisfaccion. Dios los creo para que lo Amaran y para que le dieran Reverencia y Gloria. Les digo esto para recordarles, como mucho de uds. no les agrada que le digan de estos acontecimientos que pronto van a comenzar en la tierra. !!! REZEN, REZEN, REZEN !!! Hoy vengo a hablarles de las oraciones. Mis queridos hijos, cuando uds. rezan, vienen estas oraciones del corazon, o solamente son palabras las cuales uds. repiten? Les pregunto esto porque tantos creen que la cantidad es mejor que la calidad. Si todo lo que pueden decir es "Jesus" esto verdaderamente seria suficiente si viene del corazon. !!! Segun uds. van cumpliendo sus deberes cotidianos, se recuerdan uds. de darles las gracias a Dios por darle un nuevo dia? Y de su salud? Delen las gracias a Dios por sus enfermedades, porque estas enfermedades Glorifican a Dios. Delen las gracias a Dios durante el curso del dia por todo lo que El ha hecho por uds. Quiero decirles Mis queridos hijos que en los meses venideros de Otono pueden vigilar sus cielos por una senal proveniente de Dios. Se les han dado muchas senales de Dios, pero, TODAVIA rehusan regresar sus almas a Dios. Mis queridos hijos, por todo eso es que Yo les ruego que prediquen el Evangelio a todos Mis hijos alrededor del mundo. Tanto de Mis hijos nuncan han conocido de Jesus, muchos no han oido de las Escrituras. Por favor, Les ruego, vayan y ensenen a Mis hijos. Ellos TIENEN que conocer de Dios, de las Escrituras, y de Mi Hijo, Jesus, para poder tener salvacion. Mis queridos hijos, tengan un Corazon Alegre y no se atemorizen cuando los acontecimientos comiencen a desenlarze en su mundo. Acuerdense de sus Sacramentos, y de obedecer todo lo Sagrado. Yo les he dicho anteriormente que en el ano 2000 NO ocurriran el Aviso o el Milagro. Les digo esto de nuevo para que sepan separar la cizana del buen grano, los verdaderos profetas de los falsos profetas. !!! REZEN, REZEN, REZEN !!! Vayan en Paz y Amor. Los bendigo con Mi Manto Maternal de Amor. (Fin de mensaje) AUGUST 21 2000 REMINDER FROM PAT MUNDORF ABOUT OCTOBER APPARITIONS On May 13, 2000, the Blessed Mother said, she will be coming again daily from October 8 th thru October 13, 2000. The Blessed Mother said on May 13, 2000 that, there will be another CURE on the 13 th of October. I invite you all to come if you want. The Blessed Mother will come daily from the 8th to the 13 th at 12 noon with a message to the world. You can read about this on the May 13, 2000, message at https://members.tripod.com/~ImmaculateHeart THE TWO HEARTS UNITED IN BATTLE MAY YOU BE PROTECTED BY MARYS MANTLE,
RECORDATORIO DE PAT SOBRE LAS APARICIONES EN OCTUBRE 21 de Agosto, 2000 El dia 13 de Mayo, 2000, la Santisima Madre dijo que Ella vendrå de nuevo diariamente desde el dia 8 de Octubre hasta el Pueden leer sobre esto en el mensaje del dia 13 de Mayo, 2000 LOS DOS CORAZONES UNIDO EN BATALLA SEAN PROTEGIDOS POR EL MANTO DE MARIA El Rosario y oraciones comienzan a las 11:30 a.m. La direccion es la siguente: Estamos en la esquina Noreste de Broadway y Washington, al Norte de
The apparition of Our Blessed Mother are open to the public, They occur on the First and Third Saturday of ever month at 12:00 pm. Rosary and prayers start at 11:30. Due to our move and the closing of the Apparition site in Phoenix, there were no public messages given, no internet, phones or tv. The Blessed Mother has changed the time of her Apparition and visit with the public to 12 noon, still on 1st and 3 rd Saturdays. All are welcome to attend. Prayers will start at 11:30, Rosary at 11:55. Songs and any prayers you may want after the visit as Mary does stay for awhile. You may just want to reflect in private prayer. The new address for everything, Mary's prayer pamphlets and End times booklets, Rosarys , scapulars, Miraculous Medals, can be gotten by donation if possible, at: Pat Mundorf 404 N. Broadway Ave - Sterling, Kansas 67579 USA Phone 316-278-3469. NE Corner of Broadway and Washington North of Hutchinson Kansas .