MESSAGES OF OUR LADY TO PATRICIA MUNDORF ![]() Español Messages available in Spanish Speaking Schedule Patricia Mundorf is available to speak to your group if you wish to contact her. All she requires is money for gas from one point to another as she and her husband drive and set up a route, so many stops can be had, They stay in cheap motels, so usually cost is 100 dollars. The Mundorfs will bring the statues of Jesus and Mary who have cried blood, the end times booklet and prayer books for free, with the rosaries, miraculous medals and brown scapulars. [ Previous Page | Next Page ] [ September 02 2000 | September 16 2000] SEPTEMBER 02 2000 MOTHER MARY"S MESSAGE TO PATRICIA MUNDORF 9-2-2000 Saturday, September 02, 2000 My Dear Children, today as I, your Mother of the World come to you, I come in much sadness. There are many countries making ready to strike many other countries. There are terrorists in many lands. I beg of you, Please, Please, My dear children, pray for mitigation of these conflicts, as this can lead into a Third World War. A war like no other. There will be many strikes on many countries. These countries are now taking sides as is the United States. Your country will be trying to help many conflicts, but you are unprepared for these conflicts. There will be nuclear, bacteria and chemical weapons that will be discharged. This is what the leader of Iraq has been waiting on, to make his strikes. There will be much loss of lives unless you can mitigate this by your prayers. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! Today also My dear children, I beg of you to teach your children about God, of His love and Mercy, but also of His judgements. Teach your children love first, then about their commandments of God, their the laws of the church and of your lands will come also. But first must be love. Obedience will follow. Teach your children and all those around you by the example you lead in your lives. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! My dear children, I will also ask of you to Consecrate your world to My Sons Sacred Heart and My Immaculate Heart. I ask of this to be done on October 8, 2000. The Bishops will be with My Pope Son, John Paul ll and I ask you to consecrate your world along with them to us, My Sons Sacred Heart and My Immaculate Heart United together in Battle. Unite your hearts with Our hearts for Peace through out your world. Have Faith My dear children. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! With you, My dear children, we can create Peace in your World thru prayer, fasting and sacrifice. Remember to go to Church, confess your sins and receive My Son, Jesus' body in Communion. My daughter, Patricia Mundorf, has some chaplets ready. I ask of you to form prayer cenacles with the Holy Face of My Son, Jesus' image, and say the Chaplet of Jesus Most Precious Blood. Do this all for World Peace. I Bless you all with My Motherly Mantle of Love. Remember to keep all priests in your prayers. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! Go in peace and love. ( end of message )
*****Vean la nota despues del mensaje**** Sabado, dia 2 de Septiembre, 2000 Mis Queridos Hijos, Asi como vengo a uds. Su Madre Del Mundo, vengo con mucha tratar de ayudar en varios conflictos, pero no estån preparados para estos atacår. Habrå mucha pérdida de vida al menos que uds. puedan mitigar ésto con Hoy tambien Mis Queridos Hijos, les pido a uds. que eduquen a sus hijos en llevan sus vidas. ¡¡¡ REZEN, REZEN, REZEN !!! Mis Queridos Hijos, Les pediré tambien que Consagren su tierra al Sagrado estarån con Mi Hijo, Påpa Juan Pablo II y les pido que Consagren al mundo Con uds. Mis Queridos Hijos, Nosotros podemos establecer Paz en la tierra, Acuerdense de ir a la Iglesia, confesar sus pecados y recibir el Cuerpo de Mi Mi Hija, Patricia Mundorf, tiene algunos Decenarios preparados. Les pido que Los Bendigo a Todos con Mi Manto Maternal de Amor. Acuerdense de rezar por Vayan en Paz y Amor. (Fin de Mensaje) ****Nota**** Recordatorio de Pat sobre las apariciones en Octubre El dia 13 de Mayo, 2000, la Santisima Madre dijo que iba a regresar de nuevo La direccion es la siguiente:
REMINDER FROM PAT MUNDORF ABOUT OCTOBER APPARITIONS On May 13, 2000, the Blessed Mother said, she will be coming again daily from October 8 th thru October 13, 2000. The Blessed Mother said on May 13, 2000 that, there will be another CURE on the 13 th of October. I invite you all to come if you want. The Blessed Mother will come daily from the 8th to the 13 th at 12 noon with a message to the world. You can read about this on the May 13, 2000, message at https://members.tripod.com/~ImmaculateHeart THE TWO HEARTS UNITED IN BATTLE MAY YOU BE PROTECTED BY MARYS MANTLE, SEPTEMBER 16 2000 MOTHER MARY'S MESSAGE to PATRICIA MUNDORF 9-16-2000 My Dear children, today as I, your Mother of the World come to you, I come with a grateful heart. Because of your sacrifices, fasting and prayers much has been mitigated through out your world. Many conflicts are waiting for other events to occur. Thank you My dear children. You, My dear children are not aware of how much has been mitigated through you. Please continue to pray, sacrifice, and fast when you can for the mitigation of the conflicts through out your world. Many leaders of government have tried and will continue to strive for a one world rule in government. I beg of you, Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! My dear children, I have spoken to you many times about going to confession and doing penance. By keeping your soul in a state of Grace, through the sacraments, and doing extra penance on earth, it will be less time you will have to be in purgatory. My dear children, you never know who will not have a tomorrow. Be prepared. This is why I speak often , reminding you on receiving the sacraments My Son, Jesus gave to you through His Apostles. Go to Mass often, receive My Sons, body, blood , soul and divinity as often as you may. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! Today, also I will speak to you of Gods Commandments. Love God first in your lives, in all things, then love you neighbors as you do yourself. When you love as My Son Jesus loves, you will begin to have peace in your lives, No anxiety or strife..Put all your trust in God. Teach your children about loving God and putting God first in their lives. Turn your children over to God. Ask My Son, Jesus to take them into His heart, and ask Jesus to aid you in becoming better parents. My dear children. I ask you to look at children around you. Look at how they trust in their parents for all their necessities and wants. I ask of you to become as little children, and turn all your trust to God, in all matters, regardless of how trivial or how immense your problems. You will then find your life much easier and happier. Please remember to pray for all My priests, and for Pope John Paul ll. Go in Peace and Love. I Bless you all with My Motherly Mantle of Love!!!!
REMINDER FROM PAT MUNDORF ABOUT OCTOBER APPARITIONS On May 13, 2000, the Blessed Mother said, she will be coming again daily from October 8 th thru October 13, 2000. The Blessed Mother said on May 13, 2000 that, there will be another CURE on the 13 th of October. I invite you all to come if you want. The Blessed Mother will come daily from the 8th to the 13 th at 12 noon with a message to the world. On Oct 13,2000 there will be a priest present to hear confessions and a Mass will be said, providing there are no funerals for that day. Priests are only allowed 2 masses a day. But we are going to see about a back up priest. The Blessed Mother will be here at noon with her message for the world, and has said there will be a cure. Mass will probably be at 10:00am.
MENSAJE DE LA MADRE MARIA A PAT MUNDORF 16 de Septiembre, 2000 ******Vean la nota despuez del mensaje***** Mis Queridos Hijos, Mis queridos hijos, Yo les he hablado en muchas ocasiones sobre ir a confesion y hacer penitencia. Al mantener su alma en un estado de Gracia, por medio de los Sacramentos, y haciendo penitencias adicionales en la tierra, tendran menos tiempo que pasar en el Purgatorio. Mis queridos hijos, uno nunca sabe quien no va a tener un mañana. Esten preparados. Por esto es que Yo hablo con frequencia, recordandoles de recibir los sacramentos los cuales Mi Hijo, Jesus les entrego a uds. por medio de Su Apostoles. Vayan a Misa con frequencia, reciban El Cuerpo, Sangre, Alma y Divinidad de Mi Hijo con la frequencia que puedan. Hoy, tambien, Les voy a hablar de los Mandamientos de Dios. Ámen a Dios primero en sus vidas, en todas las cosas, entonces ámen a sus vecinos como se áman a sí mismos. Cuando áman como Mi Hijo Jesus áma, comenzaran a tener paz en sus vidas, ninguna ansiedad o conflicto. Pongan toda su confianza en Dios. Mis queridos hijos les pido que miren a los niños a sus alrededores. Miren como confian en sus padres para todas sus necesidades y deseos, Les pido a uds. que séan como los niñitos y les entreguen toda su confianza a Dios, en todos los asuntos, no importa lo trivial o lo inmenso de sus problemas. Entonces, encontrarán sus vidas mas serenas y mas felices. Recuerdense de rezar por todos Mis Sacerdotes, y por el Pápa, Juan Pablo II. Vayan en Paz y Amor. Los bendigo a todos con mi Manto Maternal de Amor. ******Nota de Pat sobre las apariciones en Octubre******** El dia 13 de Mayo, 2000, la Santisima Madre nos dijo que vendria de nuevo diariamente desde el dia 8 de Octubre hasta el dia 13 de Octubre, 2000. La Santisima Madre dijo el dia 13 de Mayo, 2000 que habrá otra CURA el dia 13 de Octubre. Les invito a venir si lo desean. La Santisima Madre vendrá diariamente desde el dia 8 hasta el dia 13 a las doce del mediodia con un mensaje para el mundo. Pueden leer sobre esto en: https://members.tripod.com/~ImmaculateHeart El dia 13 de Octubre habrá un Sacerdote presente para oir confesiones y celebrará Misa con tal de que no se celebre Misa Funebre en ese dia. Se le permite solo dos Misas a cada Sacerdote pero vamos a ver si La direccion es la siguiente: PAT MUNDORF
The apparition of Our Blessed Mother are open to the public, They occur on the First and Third Saturday of ever month at 12:00 pm. Rosary and prayers start at 11:30. Due to our move and the closing of the Apparition site in Phoenix, there were no public messages given, no internet, phones or tv. The Blessed Mother has changed the time of her Apparition and visit with the public to 12 noon, still on 1st and 3 rd Saturdays. All are welcome to attend. Prayers will start at 11:30, Rosary at 11:55. Songs and any prayers you may want after the visit as Mary does stay for awhile. You may just want to reflect in private prayer. The new address for everything, Mary's prayer pamphlets and End times booklets, Rosarys , scapulars, Miraculous Medals, can be gotten by donation if possible, at: Pat Mundorf 404 N. Broadway Ave - Sterling, Kansas 67579 USA Phone 316-278-3469. NE Corner of Broadway and Washington North of Hutchinson Kansas . |