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You know Our Blessed Mother has been asking for help for the Safe Havens /Refuges. Well today I found the refuge for many, many. I need prayers and also financial help to do this. I can purchase this 5 br, home with 2 huge out buildings in great shape, morton buildings, (Metal.) a 2 1/2 car garage, plus a 1 car plus workshop garage, a chicken coop, wash house, out house, 3 wells, ones a windmill, creeks, pond, 30 acres, woods, a pasture, fenced, whats left of a carbide electric unit, to power electricity, All this in great condition. Need about 70 grand, as it also needs a septic system. Free gas, until the gas and electric goes. It has a tractor with attachments, and 3 big gas tanks, all for that price. I have a coal/wood cookstove, and will need to buy 4 wood burning stoves for the 2 big buildings, plus we will need such things as cots, blankets, I have maybe 12 extra I also have over 100 plates, cups, and a few big restaurant pots, lots of utensils, as many will be cooking at these places. You all are welcome to come any time and spend some time to help out where you may want to stay, I just ask of you to pray about this, and if you can spare a little or a lot. we would greatly appreciate this. Bill and I can not do this all on our own, We are on Social Security. Donations can be sent to Marys Mantle Ministries, @ PatriciaMundorf - 710 S. Purdy St. - Lyons, Kansas 67554 Thank you all so very much, and I know the Blessed Mother will give Her Thanks too, God Bless you all, Patricia [ Previous Page | Next Page ] [ October 2 1999 | October 4 1999 | October 16 1999 ]
Mother Mary's Message to Patricia Mundorf-10-02-99 My Dear Children, today, I your Mother of the World come to you as I did in Fatima. I come to warn you of important matters that may bring war to the shores of the United States of America. The Red countries are now parading around their weapons that they may use on you, the United States of America. This may be mitigated with much prayer, sacrifice, and fasting. A great war is about to break out as such you in the world have never seen or experienced. Oh My Dear Children, Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! Please my children, seek out your brothers and sisters in Jesus, tell them all I have told you of God and His wonderous Mercy. Teach my children to pray. Many do not know how to pray. I am giving my daughter, Patricia Mundorf prayers to say at the Prayer Cenacles I have asked for. I also am asking for a chaplet to be said daily for My Son, Jesus' wounds, This I ask you to do along with your Divine Mercy chaplet for Peace and Mitigation of wars. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! Today also my dear children, I wish to Thank you so much for all your prayers, sacrifices and fasting you have been doing. You will never know of the horrible catastrophes that have been mitigated. Please my children, spread my messages to as many people as possible. Teach them to love Jesus and their neighbors, as only with love and prayers can you experience an inner peace, a heart full of love and joy and hope in the future, can not hate, nor bring war. I ask of you also to attend Mass and go to confession and receive the Greatest Sacrifice in the world, your Holy Eucharist. Invite others to join with you. Keep yourselves in a state of grace. Your times of tribulation will be upon you very soon if war starts with the Red Nations. God, your Father who created and loves every one of His children, will bring justice upon the world if there is to be a World War Three !!! Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! Save what you can, help those you can, BUT Please, My children Teach others of Gods Love and Mercy, which is Eternal. I love you My dear children. I thank you for your coming today to be with Me. I am giving many graces today. There will be a cancer woman who is prayed for here, a remission of her cancer. There has been a death amongst a friend here, and it has been asked for the repose of his soul. God has accepted this Holy man into purgatory. Go in Peace and Love. I Bless you all with My Motherly Mantle of Love. (End of 10/02/1999 message) Patricia Mundorf now resides at 710 S. Purdy St. Lyons, Kansas 67554. Ph# 316-257-3407
The apparition of Our Blessed Mother are open to the public, They occur on the First and Third Saturday of ever month at 3:00 pm. Rosary and prayers start at 2:30.
Pat has had visits from the Blessed Mother since June of 1995, Pat has been public at the Blessed Mothers request to " Make My messages known to the world " since October of 1997.
On November 7, 1997 the Blessed Mother told Pat that Jesus will give many graces, miracles and cures, to those who use the Blessed roses from her yard. If you would like a rose petal send a self addressed, stamped envelope to Pat at the above address.
The Blessed Mother has asked Pat to print up prayer pamphlets, $2.00 ) and the end times preparation booklet, Directed by the Blessed Mother ( $ 5.00 ) but you can print these FREE from the following website- http://hia.net/giftstor or Pats website where you can read about her and the roses, and prayers and the Stations of the Cross with music. You may write to Pat email at---PatMun@webtv.net
The Blessed Mother has asked for Prayer Cenacles to be formed and has given Pat the prayers, This will be coming shortly along with the Chaplet Mother Mary asked for.
The Blessed Mother has also asked for Pat to start a safe haven / refuge in Kansas. Funds are needed to buy the property, drill wells, build sleeping areas, store up food, blankets, coats, boots, clothing, paper products, medicines, This may be done to the address above, Make checks payable to Marys Mantle Ministries. Anything you may be able to provide would be greatly appreciated, and all are welcome to come to the safe haven/refuge. Contact Pat for more Info.
THE TWO HEARTS UNITED IN BATTLE MAY YOU BE PROTECTED BY MARYS Mrs. Mundorf sent me this message this morning. I wrote her back to get clarification of what date and why Trinidad. Here is her reply: I have had calls from Trinidad for a year or more, I have asked the Blessed Mother about them, Today she gave me that message, This morning. October 4, 1999 My children of Trinidad, I, your Mother of the World come to you to tell you that, You are to be some of the chosen people of God. Those who Love and obey God will be protected from the evil ones wrath as time goes on. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! I ask you to Adore My Son, Jesus in your Tabernacles. Ask your requests in prayer in front of Him. Many graces will be granted. Many miracles given for you. Please, My children, make this a Crusade for Trinidad. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Go in Peace and Love, I BLESS YOU ALL WITH MY MOTHERLY MANTLE OF LOVE. (End of 10/04/1999 message) THE TWO HEARTS UNITED IN BATTLE MAY YOU BE PROTECTED BY MARY'S MANTLE, PATRICIA MUNDORF
My Son, Jesus is also here today, I Love you My Children. (Jesus speaks)
I ask of you to allow Me to enter your hearts to the deepest recesses. Keep Me in your loving hearts, speak to Me and I will listen and answer you in prayer. Come to visit Me in the Tabernacles of your church where you go to receive Me in Mass thru Holy Communion. My Mother is asking for special prayers for peace and for prayer cenacles to meet with special prayers. I beg of you My sisters and brothers to obey all the laws of My Father. Be faithful children to God. I also ask you to be faithful to Rome, to the seat of Peter, follow your Pope John Paul ll and all the laws set down for you in the church I left for you. Be assured that the evil one will never rule from the chair of Peter. I end for now, go in Peace and Love of your brothers and sisters. NOTE from Patricia ( During the time Jesus was here He showed me of the things to come, there were all kinds of storms and destruction. There were dead humans and animals everywhere. A lot of buildings destroyed. Jesus said this would occur very shortly if there were not enough prayers said for mitigation. ) I your Mother of the World come to warn you of the events that are about to commence through out your world. You are now seeing many floods, mud slides, hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, many famines, many more famines will come against many more counties. You will begin now to experience many storms, weather changes, food, water and your fuel shortages. This I tell you, Many of My children will perish. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! My dear children, I beg of you to join together in prayer, fasting and sacrifices for these devastating events soon to occur in your world. Many of My children have been very prayerful, yet so much more is needed as your time of adoration of your gods of money, sex and power are all doomed to come to an end. You murder children in the womb, you sell these babies body parts. How much more do you think God, your Father will stay His hand in punishment ? Where are your eyes as you do not see ? Where are your ears as you do not hear ? Where is your love, as you do not love from your hearts. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! I thank you all for coming here to visit with My Son, Jesus and I, I Bless you all and any articles you have, with My Motherly Mantle of Love. I and My Son, Jesus give you Blessings and Graces. To the one close to Jesus who prays for a healing, I must tell you that God knows you are to suffer with your pains, for Peace to be attained in your world. This goes with your life you have given to Jesus, with your vows. My children, I beg of you to be at peace when you pray, as God does hear your prayers. As these events begin, pray, go to confession and receive communion and be at peace. Be happy, as this all has been foretold to you long ago in Scripture. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! Go in Peace and Love now, Love your neighbor as you love God. Show your compassion to all you meet, see My Son, Jesus in them all. To My Priests, I beg of you to teach the laws of God and your church to your people. Teach them of the Sacraments of the church, and be prepared for many will come to you for confession. This is a must My dear priests, speak of confession and communion and the reasons for these Sacraments. I love you all and kiss the children. (End of 10/16/1999 message) THE TWO HEARTS UNITED IN BATTLE, MAY YOU BE PROTECTED BY MARYS MANTLE, PATRICIA MUNDORF All the messages are approved by Mrs. Mundorf's Spiritual Advisor, Fr. James Hoagland