
November 7, 1997 Mary said to Patricia:

"My daughter, I have asked for white roses to be planted by the shrine you have made in your devotion to me. My son, Jesus, will allow many graces and miracles to come from these roses for those who consecrate themselves to Jesus' Sacred Heart and my Immaculate Heart."

April 27, 1998 Mary said:

"My Son, Jesus will allow many Graces and Miracles to those who love My Mother and Myself, and who have Faith that Graces and Miracles will occur."

These bushes are now blooming all year long in Pat's backyard....

For the sick and/or those who would grow in faith who love Jesus and Mary, these miraculous rose petals are available for their spiritual and/or physical cure.

About Miracles

Please do NOT send for these unless you are sure the intended recipient *truly* needs them and is (or will be) consecrated to the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary. If you are sure, please send a SASE (Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope) to:

Patricia Mundorf
404 N.Broadway Ave
Sterling, Kansas
67579 USA

You may also include your prayer intentions and a brief explanation and Pat can put your or your dear one's name in the Prayer Journal presented to Our Mother.