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[ July 4th 98 | July 10th 98 | July 14th 98 ]

[ July 17th 98 | July 24th 98 | July 31th 98 ]

UPDATE: One of the statues has bled 9 times now, 2 times today alone, from the right eye. There have been many healings taking place at the Mundorf apparition site and around the US from the miraculous rose petals. There have been healings after heartfelt prayer and touching a statue that is bleeding. One man recovered his hearing after touching the statue and is now rejoicing. Everone is still most welcome to come to see the statues and take pictures. We will be putting photos on the net, and all on this list will be notified when they are ready for Internet viewing on the Mundorf web site.

JULY 4TH 1998

(Celebration of the Declaration of American Independence) Mary said: "My dear children, I, the Mother Of The World, come to you today as you celebrate your freedoms of religion and speech in America. I ask you to pray much for the countries who do not have these freedoms. Many of my children are being persecuted for their religion, for believing in My Son, Jesus. Priests and bishops are jailed for practicing their religion.

My daughter, you ask why I bled today ( the statue of Mary ). This is for all the blood that is being shed in all the countries of the world. So many innocent children are being murdered. Pray, Pray, PRAY!!

Say your Rosary daily in your prayers for all nations. World leaders are in meetings throughout the world, trying to have peaceful negotiations. I ask you to fast, for those who can, and you may fast from other things than food. These countries are feeling peace at this time, but I tell you THIS IS A FALSE PEACE. Many are evil men, who want to wage combat against other countries for their own prideful purposes.

I ask for special prayers for Israel this week. Please, my children, remember this country, as it tries to be peaceful.

Remember your Sacraments of Confession and Communion. My children, there are many who do not believe that my Son, Jesus, is in your Holy Eucharist and will try to convince you of this also. Please my children, pray that this evil does not take over in your Church. My Son, Jesus, gave you the Church, and it is called ïMother Church,' but this has been done for you, this is your Church.

Go in peace and love, and I bless you all with my Motherly Love.

Be of a happy heart my children."

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JULY 10TH 1998

Mary said: "My dear children, today I come as your Mother of the World, and to warn you of the wars that have been ongoing. Your governments of the United States, Russia, and China are making their plans for the smaller countries that are in turmoil. Please my children, pray MUCH for these countries; most do not understand that they are being put in place, such as pawns.

Today, I also want you to be reminded of your Sacraments, to receive those of Confession and Communion as often as you can. Receive my Son's Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. Do you not realize how much my Son, Jesus loves you, my children? Pray, Pray, PRAY!

I also want to teach you more on prayers. They can be said at any time. It is best if you are in an area without confusion and disturbances. The Evil One does not want you to pray and converse with God, so he will try and cause many disturbances. It is wise, if you have many disturbance, to remember your St. Michael the Archangel prayer to help you against evil.

Ask your Father for help when you need him. He is always there and waiting for you to ask anything of Him. Too many people ask others for prayer and forget to ask their Father.

I thank you all, my children, for all your prayers and sacrifices. You have saved many souls with your prayers. Many with hard hearts have softened and accepted Jesus into their hearts.

Please, my children, keep all the Lost Souls in your prayers, as they need the MOST help!

I ask you today to remember the family. Family togetherness in prayer and the Mass pleases your Heavenly Father. I, being a mother, know the very purpose of family prayer. Turn off your TV's and electronic amusements, and focus more on Jesus, and your family lives. Protect your children in prayer. Say the Rosary as a family.

This also is a request from me: do something kind, daily, for someone,--even a smile for someone who is hurting. PRAY for them. Do this in memory of my Son, Jesus.

Go in peace and love.

I bless you all with my Motherly Love."

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JULY 14TH 1998

Mary said: "My dear children, today as I come to you as Mother of the World. I ask that you remember the requests I asked at Fatima. At that time I came to the three children, their country had experienced many church closings and many people were afraid of expressing their religious opinions. This is now occurring in many countries. Pray, Pray, PRAY!

The Angel of Peace gave the children a prayer at that time, before I came to the children. I ask you, my children, to remember this prayer and repeat it daily:

My God, I believe, I adore, I hope in you, and I love you. I beg pardon of You for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do not love You.

My children, the Devil is very sly. He has entered your Mother Church. Pray much for Europe, to convert their hearts back to God, and out of the worldly love they now have.

Many are the loss of priests, loss of faith, and their belief in God. Pray, Pray, PRAY!

Ask God for the strength to do His Will, and for the conversion of Europe. Oh, my children, so much apostasy in the Church in Europe, and it's also occurring in the United States. Many of your Bishops want to ïAmericanize' their Church by making changes that are NOT in union with Rome. Please my children, PRAY for a conversion of hearts.

Go now, in Peace and Love.

I give you all my Motherly Blessing."

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JULY 17th 1998

Mary said: "My Dear Children, I, Your Mother of the World come to you today with much thankfulness for all your prayers and sacrifices. You do well, my children, who do God's Will. MORE of My children need to learn to turn their lives completely over to God. WHY is that so hard to do ?

To ask your Father for your needs and desires makes Him very happy. I have told you He waits for you to ASK, my children. You must remember God does not grant all that is asked of Him; He has His reasons that you may not understand at this time, but TRUST in God.

Remember, my children, that when you ask of God, to also ask that it be HIS Will and not YOUR own will.

My dear children, I also want to ask you when the last time was that you spent time in adoration of Jesus.? How many of my children sat with My Son, Jesus, while He is in the tabernacle? You know you can visit with Jesus any time you want, so why do so many stay away ?

Pray, Pray, PRAY, my children! Bring your families not only to Mass, but also to visit with Jesus. Teach your children of Jesus and His great Love for all of His brothers and sisters. Teach your children HOW to talk to Jesus in adoration or in the tabernacle. Talk to Jesus as you do a friend. Is He NOT your best Friend ?

Many of my children forget when they enter their church, that Jesus IS in the tabernacle, and do not show respect. Parents, teachers, priests, TEACH my children the respect they should have upon entering their church, and tell them WHY they are to show respect. I also ask you to find out WHY many of my churches do not have Jesus in the tabernacle all the time. Ask your priest, if this is so in your church, and try to have this amended!!

Humble yourselves, my children. Be as little children when you pray and adore Jesus in your daily lives. When you have some decisions to make, ask Jesus for His help and always think of what Jesus would do or say in these situations.

I ask you to live your lives as Jesus did His,--love and kindness for your enemies, neighbors, coworkers,--PRAY for them. Give of yourself to help someone in need.

I have asked you many times to pray to avert wars and misunderstandings. I ask you again today, to pray much for many of your smaller countries who feel inferior, but, with nuclear, biological and chemical warfare, they begin to feel as a superpower. These small countries are afraid to lose what they have and NOW will fire upon others at the first instance of intrusion.

Pray, Pray, PRAY, my children as many of the superpowers will intercede and try to force their power onto these smaller countries.

My children of the United States, BE FOREWARNED:

There is much turmoil in your midst with China and Russia, and both these countries are deceiving your leaders. Your government is NOT telling you of the things you need to know.

Please, my children, NOW IS THE TIME for you to store your water and canned foods, as I tell you if you do not heed my words and pray to mitigate this situation, your country will be in dire trouble.

Your water supplies will be the first to be tampered with; this is already on your home soil. Your main financial institutions and government offices will be next. This has already been set into motion.

Pray, Pray, PRAY!! Sacrifice and fast, for the United States needs MUCH mitigation. The plans have been laid!!

Go in peace and love amongst your brothers and sisters.

I bless you all with My Motherly Mantle of Love."

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JULY 24TH 1998

Mary said: "My dear children, today I come as Mother of the World with a happy heart for all that my children are doing to save so many souls!

My children, my words are for ALL people of the world, for people of ALL religions. The events which I have spoken to you about, such as your Warning, is for the WHOLE WORLD. The events that I have told you about in my End Times Preparation Booklet, are of such a magnitude as to be ïunbelievable,' but, my children, BELIEVE !!!

Not ONE single person on this earth will be unaffected by the coming events,--storms, droughts, earthquakes, tidal waves, monsoons, and volcanic eruptions will become more visible to you in unheard-of proportions.

Soon all of my children will know that something unusual is happening. EVERYTHING, my children, from your skies to the bowels of your earth, will show you God's WRATH. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!!

My children, I BEG of you to put aside emotions which kill your spirit. PRAY, my children, BEG your Father to NOT destroy everything at this time, as there are too many souls who need your help to come to Jesus. Reach out to people, tell them of your Gospels and of the approaching times to befall all of you; tell them of the True Love of Jesus and the Father. Their Love endures everything.

All that my children need to do is give their hearts to God, to accept Him and His Son Jesus' dying on the cross for your sins and for your salvation. Come to Jesus. BOW your heads. Ask Jesus to forgive you.

My children, God only seeks a heart that is sincere and a believing mind to be in union with Him. This will be the beginning of saving their souls.

Depend and TRUST in God when you pray. God gives you your free will. You may choose. You are never forced to believe in Him. You make your choice every time you pray or sin. That is why I ask you to go to Confession and Communion.

Converse with Jesus in the tabernacle or in adoration. HE AWAITS YOU.

My children I ask you to pray for China and Russia, that they NOT attack the United States, but to also pray for the little countries as well. Many await to show their powers, this is their PRIDE. Pride is not a good emotion to have, especially when one is looking to attain power for their prideful selves.

I am asking ALL my children that, on August 13, 1998, you say the prayers of my Rosary for Peace, abortions and human life. May my Rosary be said around the world. Pray, Pray, PRAY, my children!

I Bless all of you with My Motherly Mantle of Love.

I have asked My daughter ( Patricia Mundorf ) to make ready the *End Times Preparation Booklet, told by myself for all the world to read. The monies collected will be used for My mission, for the Safe Haven for God's children that I have asked to be built. Donations are to be accepted. Go in Peace and Love."

The End Times Preparation Booklet, dictated by Our Blessed Mother, will be ready for shipment by August 8,1998. The cost of printing and mailing this booklet is US $6 each, which you may send to:

Patricia Mundorf P.O. Box 48274 Phoenix, AZ 85075 - 8274

To help build a holy refuge for the Faithful Remnant where you will be welcomed, please send your donation to the same address. Please act SOON.

JULY 31th 1998

Mary said: "My dear children, today as I come to you as your Mother Of The World. I ask of you to pray for all those who are being martyred throughout the world for their belief in Jesus.

My children, so many more of you are looking to your Church for your spiritual growth. There are many vigils and prayer meetings in and about your churches. So many more of My children are returning to God. Many of you have blamed GOD for these punishments that have been put to your lands. These punishments are bought on by YOUR acts, YOUR sins!

God does not NEED your prayers. By praying, you do not add ONE thing to God's Greatness or Goodness. It is for YOU that prayers are being said. Pray, Pray, PRAY!!

My children, there will be many catastrophic events which will soon be upon you, these will awaken you to the Power and Might of God. This perhaps will make believers out of some of you who do not believe. Your costal lands will be racked with tremors and waves. Pray, Pray, PRAY!!!"

( Mother showed me the Northwestern United States being hit with a tsunami in Oregon and Washington States. -P.M. )

"There has been a growing intensity of vibrations of the magnetic field, and your Earth is now feeling its reactions. Also my children, you need to prepare yourselves for the events of war, which are building throughout the world. Pray MUCH, my children, SACRIFICE, that these, wars of nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare, does not come to your United States, as once any type of warhead hits the United States, it will become an all-out WORLD WAR. This can be mitigated with MUCH prayer.

These wars are starting in small countries, but are backed by larger countries. Greed and pride are rampant among these small countries. Your United States could be hit with nuclear bombardments in the month to come. You must pray and sacrifice much for this not to happen.

Let God know how much you CARE,--not only for yourselves,--but for ALL the children around the world. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!!

My children, I have told you of your crops this summer, that some would flourish and some would die. Dear children, you have an overabundance of wheat, but are you feeding your starving BROTHERS? I see not much help from the United States.

Where is your LOVE of your fellow man? Yet you cry out, for war and drought that comes to your country, Ô...where is the Justice of God?' Look AROUND you, my children!

My dear children, it saddens me to have to be so harsh on you, but many countries are prosperous and do not help those of My children in need.

Remember to go to Confession and receive Jesus in Communion, and TALK to Him. BEG Him for His Mercy. He loves you so much!!

I bless all here with My Motherly Love.

Go in Peace and Love."

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