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[ June 5 1999 | June 19 1999 ]
Mary said: Today, My dear children I come to you as Mother of the World. I thank all of you for responding to my calls for prayers, fasting, and sacrifice. I know you have known now that this is bringing Peace to the peoples of Kosovo and Yugoslavia. I ask of you to pray that there be continued mitigation between these countries that are involved in the conflict. I also ask of you to pray much for all countries in your world which are involved in disturbances and killings. Please Pray for peaceful negotiations through out your world. Pray, Pray, Pray!!! Today I also ask of you again to go out amongst your brothers and sisters and Evangelize. My dear children, much conversion is needed in your world. Please, I beg of you, teach others of Gods Love and Mercy for all of mankind. God loves the worst sinners the best and awaits for them to ask of forgiveness. God Loves all of His children that He creates. Pray, Pray, Pray!!! Today, I have asked a special request of my daughter to come to this area and this Church of St. Paul to be with her Spiritual Advisor. (Fr. James Hoagland) This day is a day of my Son, Jesus. I have asked my daughter to locate to this area, as I soon will come to this Church of St. Paul for the message of the world. I ask of any of my children who can, to please aid her in any way to find a home in this area. Many Graces, Blessing, and Miracles will occur at this Church of St. Paul. I Bless all articles. I Bless you all with My Motherly Mantle of Love. I kiss all my children. Go in Peace and Love and I beg of you to remember sacraments of Confession and Communion. (End of 6/5/1999 message)
My Dear Children, Today I come to you as Mother of the world and I come to ask of you to continue to pray for all the countries which are in wars and conflicts all over your world. Many are being persecuted for their love of my Son, Jesus, and your Father in Heaven. Pray, Pray, Pray!!! Today also, My Children, I would like to ask of you to pray much for your Pope, John Paul II, as he is in grave danger of His Life at this time. Many are those who would like to see the Holy Father Pope John Paul II out of the seat of Peter. I also would like to speak today, My Dear Children, of False Prophets. I have told you before that many will come. Know all prophets by their fruits and know them also by their teachings to you. If they speak of the Bible, you may trust, but my children be very careful of those who tell you of things which are not in scripture. Be Cautious. My Dear Children, many of you carry your burden upon your heart, I beg of you, give all of your burdens and Thanksgivings to God, your Father. Ask of God to ease your burden. You cannot do this on your own, and God the Father awaits for you to ask of Him for His help and intercession. Pray!! Pray!!! Pray!!!! My Dear Children, many ask if God answers all prayers, yes!!!! But God does this all in His own time, not of your time. And, My Children, you also must know - that NO is an answer. Today also My Children, I beg of you to remember your sacraments of Confession and Communion. Remember also, all your family and friends and teach them of Gods Love and Mercy. Teach them that God waits for all to come to Him to ask of His forgiveness. There is one among you today here at this site who is worried over the health of their spouse. There will be a healing of this illness soon. I beg of you convert hearts and save the lives of those whom you love. Go in Peace and Love. I kiss all children and Bless you all with My Motherly Mantle of Love, Pray, Pray, Pray!!! (end of 6/19/1999 special message)