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[ May 1 98 | May 11 98 | May 13 98 | May 15 98 | May 22 98 ]
Ramona, Oklahoma, USA Mary said: "My dear children, today, I, your Mother of the World, come to you with such a happy heart, as so many of my dear faithful children have give much homage to me. But I would like to ask of you to dedicate this month to all mothers of the world, for all women, as many cannot conceive. And I ask of you to pray much this month for these women to have much courage to continue on, even when they are deeply troubled with their (desire for) children. Many women cannot have this privilege, but do know that God will give you other graces. Today, I want to thank you for all your prayers and devotions for this conflict in Kosovo. Please continue to pray, my children, for a peaceful conclusion to come soon. These leaders need so much prayer, as they are filled with too much pride. Pray, Pray, PRAY!!! I love you all so very much, my children, and want you to know love, to live love, and give love. If you put love first, then you will be filled with all other graces. LOVE CAN END WARS. I ask you to pray, learn to love, beg of God to allow you to experience the wonderfulness of complete Love, the Love such as the Father has for His children. My children, I have given you many warnings of the times ahead of you. I do this, as I love you, and the times are coming upon you quickly. I have asked you to pray, sacrifice, go to church, attend Mass, receive your Communions and Confessions. Do this in memory of God, as He alone can save you from what is to come. I have spoken to you of safe havens and have sent my daughter, Patricia Mundorf, to areas to dedicate some of these properties and to explain to you about safe havens. This I tell you: pray, Pray, PRAY, as there are many out there who are not of Jesus, and will try to tell you things to make you think they have safe havens. Do not believe all, as many will have you pay for them to come to their properties. This is NOT right. I have told my daughter that this is to be done FREELY. I ask of you to contact her and she will answer your questions. Oh, my dear children, I beg of you today for prayers for your Pope, John Paul II, and for all the priests, as their lives are in danger from the evil ones. Pray, Pray, PRAY!!! I kiss the children, and bless all articles. Go in Peace and Love. I bless you all with my Motherly Mantle of Love." (End of 5/1/99 message) Note: Any Remnant Faithful who are in a position to donate land or group together funds for refuges that will be open to all faithful free of charge, please contact Patricia Mundorf. Understand that she will have no financial control over funds, only spiritual control, in that she will seek the Blessed Mother's approval for each area of land offered as a refuge, then Patricia may visit the area in person to pray with the volunteers. Mrs. Mundorf will not occupy such donated refuges, herself, nor have any financial interest nor control over same.
Phoenix, Arizona, USA Mary said: "My dear children, today I, your Mother of the World, come with a special request: I come to ask of you to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, as I had requested before, to be done at 3:00 pm in Kosovo time, for Peace in that region. Please adjust your time for this. I tell you, your leaders are TALKING peace, yet will not concede to any requests. They want all or nothing. This could lead you into World War III. Pray, Pray, PRAY!!! My children, my daughter ( Patricia Mundorf ) has asked me about the Divine Will. Many of my children are asking for discernment in this area. DIVINE Will is GOD'S Will. You, my children, have your own will, given to you by God, the Father; you, as humans have your will, which is different than God's divine Will. You may do God's Will for you, but, my children, God will never force His Will upon you. As humans you were born with sin, so you can never do God's divine Will completely. There has never been any new (public) revelation since the last Apostle died, nor will there ever be. Jesus had the last words, to His Apostles. When Jesus comes again, to walk among you, He will give you new revelations to teach you of the Ways of the Father. My children, I ask of you to obey the laws and teachings of the Church in Rome. There is much evil out in the world, trying to cause confusion in My Church. Please, my children, follow your Church-teachings and laws in all aspects. These laws have been around for many ages. I ask of you also to obey my Priests. If you are in doubt over what some may say, then ask them, if you receive no justification from them, do not speak badly of them but go to the hierarchy in the Church, and ask your questions. Pray, Pray, PRAY !!! There will come a time soon when my Church in many countries will be split from Rome, as many priests want to make My Church, become THEIR church, THEIR laws and THEIR teachings. When this apostasy occurs, you must obey the Church of Rome and its teachings. Pray, Pray, PRAY!!! Go in Peace and Love. I bless you all with my Motherly Mantle of Love. (end of 5/11/99 special message) USEDST 9 am = GMT 2 pm = Belgrade 3 pm ( and 3 pm in Rome) USCDST 8 am -- USWDST 7 am
MAY 13 1999 Phoenix, Arizona, USA May 13, 1999 Mary said: "My dear children, today, I, your Mother of the World, come with a special message for you. This, the day you celebrate the Ascension of my Son Jesus into Heaven; this day remembered throughout the ages of man, my Son, Jesus died on the Cross so that the gates of Heaven would be open for you to enter. All Jesus' sufferings were for YOU. He is your Redeemer. I cherish this day in my Heart, as I know that is when Jesus went to be with His Father. The Father, your Father in Heaven, had this planned for you and my Son, Jesus. Pray, Pray, PRAY!!! Today, my dear children, a statue my daughter ( Patricia Mundorf ), has of my Son as the Baby Jesus, in her home, has cried tears. These tears are for what my Son, Jesus, knows is about to befall mankind for all the sins man has CHOSEN to commit. My dear children, turn your lives back to God NOW, before it is TOO LATE FOR YOU! Save the souls of not only yourselves, but of those of others. Pray, Pray, PRAY!! CONVERT!!! These tears are to be collected and saved to be used for cures of Our children who profess to love, honor and obey the Laws of God the Father. These tears may also be used for conversions. Give yourselves TOTALLY to God, your Father. TRUST in God. Pray that you may do GOD'S Will in all that you attempt to do. Go in Peace and Love. I bless you all with my Motherly Mantle of Love." (end of 5/13/99 message)
MAY 15 1999 Phoenix, Arizona, USA May 15, 1999 My Dear Children, today as I, your Mother of the World, come to you, I want to thank you for all the prayers, sacrifices and sufferings you have offered. Heaven thanks you for answering My call to you. Today, I would like to speak to you about the Sacrament of Confession. I have told you before to go to Confession often. This keeps your soul near a state of Grace. Purify your souls as often as possible. Receive my Son, Jesus, in the Holy Eucharist with a cleansed soul and a heart full of Love. Many of my children feel they do not need to speak to a priest to confess their sins. PLEASE, my children, this is a SACRAMENT that is waiting for you!! Pray, Pray, PRAY!!! Many of my children have asked about the End Times. This I tell you, only God the Father knows the hour and the day on when your time on Earth as you know it will end. God alone knows. He has chosen NOT to reveal this date, as this may be mitigated with prayer and acts of mercy, kindness and charity, and good deeds. This, my dear children I tell you, beware of any man who professes to know the day or hour of God sending His Son, Jesus, to Earth, for His Second coming. You must prepare for this now, as your time, as you know it, will be coming to an end soon!! Prepare your souls daily, as you do not know when your time on Earth will end. This end of times of man on Earth as you know it, is caused by man's horrendous sins he has chosen to commit against the Father, will soon to come to its end. I beg of your Father to allow more time for our Remnant children to save more souls. Our Remnant on Earth is growing daily. I fear for many souls who have damned themselves to Hell with their sins. God your Father does not want to send ANY of His children to the eternal fires of Hell, all He asks is that you ask forgiviness. It is waiting on YOU! Pray, Pray, PRAY!! All of Heaven prays for the people of Earth to convert their hard hearts back to God. I beg of you to pray for this daily. My dear children, I ask of you to read in your Bible, James , all of Chapter Four, then meditate on this chapter as to what you need to know. Go in Peace and Love. I bless you all with my Motherly Mantle of Love." (end of 5/15/99 message)
MAY 22 1999 Special Message for Saturday, May 22,1999 Mary said: "My Dear Children, today I, your Mother of the World, come to thank you all for your sacrifices, prayers and sufferings you have done at My request. I must continue to ask you to pray for the peoples of Kosovo, as much more prayers are needed to restore peace in this region. Continue to say daily, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy as I have requested until peace is contained. Today, I also want to thank you for having My daughter ( Patricia Mundorf ) come to this wonderful forest that God has created. My children NOW this is Blessed Ground and I will continue to come *here with Blessings on each Saturday of the week at this hour. " ( 3:00 pm ) [*Marysville , Washington. Contact Marie Stebing at 360-652-0474 and she will privide directions to where Mother will be during the weekly Rosary on Saturdays at 3:00 pm. It is a beautiful setting in the woods.] "Please, My Children, I beg of you to pray a rosary here on these Saturdays. I also want to tell all people, My dear children, who have come to My daughters presentation here, and at all places she is invited to attend, I will continue to give Blessings to all people who attend or sponser a presentation that she brings to you. (Patricia Mundorf) I Bless all items and kiss all children. I Bless you all with My Motherly Mantle of Love. Go in Peace and Love." (end of 5/22/99 message)